" Imagine...Dan, cold and frightened..." "First Christmas on the streets..."
So last Christmas "Dan" must have still been surviving in his own home...perhaps on JSA of around £70, and with Housing Benefits keeping a roof over his head after he was made redundant...or even lost his job due to an illness such as cancer or schizophrenia. "Dan", who had faithfully paid his taxes and National Insurance stamps ever since leaving school, in the belief that help would be there for him should he ever need it...
"Dan", hustled into "volunteering" for a workfare pogromme by his 'advisor' at the Jobcentreplus...a gal you can't say 'no' to if you are a pauper, and who it is dangerous to know unless you have a death wish... Sent to a 'charity' like the trusty Salvation Army.
Once upon a time, chariities used to actually support the vulnerable, as opposed to exploiting them...
Once upon a time, chariities used to actually support the vulnerable, as opposed to exploiting them...
"Dan", being mentally vulnerable, physically unwell, and suffering from malnutrition (due to existing on £10 per day), could not keep up with the gruelling standards demanded by his placement... Things went wrong quickly...he even turned up late for his workfare a few times, having irresponsibly caved in and spent his bus money on food... And so he got sanctioned by these "crimes" by his workfare handlers...his struggles reported to the petty tinpot gods of the Jobcentretryusplus...who with no due process or regard for his vulnerability and worsening physical and mental condition...cut off even his £10 per day lifeline...sentencing him to a new life of destitution.
Cold and frightened...facing his first Christmas on the streets...finally meeting his destiny as a photo-opportunity poster child...for good ol' Sally Ann.
Countless other "Dans" have already 'chosen' suicide after they cracked under ATOS, the WCA test, or the DWP's WRAG regime, and lacked the heart to tough it out living rough.
And then there are the thousands of sick and disabled people who have squirrelled away stashes of pills to bail out with, should their lifelines (of a tenner or so a day), like "Dan's", be cut off.
Gamekeepers turned poachers?
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Devout Christian: Iain Duncan Smith |
The Slavation Army purports to be a Christian organisation. Has it never heard the quotation "the worker is worthy of his hire"? Said by Jesus. In the Bible. Luke 10:7
The Bible, also has this to say to the Slavation Army (and the other slaver 'charities'):
Deuteronomy 24:15 Pay him his wages each day before sunset, because he is poor and is counting on it. Otherwise he may cry to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin.
Merry Christmas.