Of all the rancid scabs and class traitors that infest the modern Labour Party, grinning idiot Liam Byrne is the worst.
His latest calls for a ‘tough’ welfare system in the wake of rising unemployment just reveals what this Iain Duncan Smith pretender thinks about those condemned to benefits. More people are unemployed, so those people need to be treated toughly according to Byrne and punished with forced work and benefit sanctions.
Byrne loves workfare, not because he think it will help people get jobs – he knows it won’t – but because it makes him feel like a bit of a hard man, a sort of Daily Mail reading Mitchell brother, in touch with the common man. In truth he’s far more Ian Beale, a squirming little sell out who gets his only shallow kicks from hurting those who can’t fight back.
Byrne doesn’t just pay lip service to the scroungers narrative, it is at the heart of everything he says as shadow Work and Pensions Secretary. He believes, or wants us to believe, that unemployment is caused by unemployed people. He’s convinced himself, or wants to convince us, that hundreds of thousands of sick and disabled claimants are faking their conditions. His contempt may be tempered for the cameras and those in the Labour Party who pretend to be left wing, but just like his Tory counterparts he blames people with nothing for a fucked economy and lack of jobs.
That’s why Labour haven’t apologised for the brutal Atos regime they created. It’s why they didn’t vote against Iain Duncan Smith re-writing history to steal compensation payments legally due to those forced to work for free. And it’s why they are plan to introduce yet more workfare should they ever get a sniff of government again.
The Labour Party was never enough and it is less than nothing now. And they know it. Liam Byrne’s only answer to the most savage attack on working class people in generations has been to snottily plead just how much nastier he could be to those he considers beneath him.
Any pretend support for claimants from Labour has been nothing more than lies and exploitation, making political capital out of the suffering of those they too intend to attack. Their grotesque attempt to hijack the struggle over the Bedroom Tax, whilst planning a similar policy of their own, shows just how low they will stoop.
The Labour Party are the enemy of every person in this country who is poor, disabled, unemployed or on a low income and depends on some benefits to survive. Liam Byrne is proof of that. Whilst he remains they should mean nothing at all to those struggling against this Government’s destruction of the welfare state.
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The Void