Once again we see more detritus being written about Welfare in today’s Sunday Comics. The specific idea now is that the Government should publish a list of every benefit recipient and to make that list available to anyone who wishes to see it by providing a website or some data base that anyone could look at?
This lunatic idea comes from “Mark Littlewood” Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, this man thinks that every tax payer has the absolute right to know what benefit every recipient gets and that it should be made public knowledge, maybe this man thinks we should bring back the old village stocks?
This would be an incredibly dangerous thing to do, the amount of attacks on disabled people have increased ten fold in the last few years all because of the media/government propaganda aimed at those on benefits, targeting those less fortunate is easy, say bad things about a group enough times and it sticks?
Just like in 1930s Nazi Germany scapegoats were made of certain groups, first it was the Jews, then came other groups like Homosexuals, Gypsies, Disabled people both mental and Physical, Children born with deformities etc, they did what is happening today it’s just a little more subtle?
Disabled Jews with a black triangle on a yellow – “asocial Jews”. Buchenwald, 1938. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Those in power like the majority of the public to think that the welfare system is such a huge drain on our society, benefits are bringing the country to bankruptcy, that’s a load of rubbish, the financial problem with this country is not that we have an out of control benefits system it’s that we have a completely corrupt political elite who will do anything they can to protect their personal interests?
The stories dragged out by the press of benefit recipients on skiing holidays or families who have 60inch TVs and twelve children are just a smokescreen, as we all know IDS and his department have been condemned for using dubious figures to put over the DWPs case of his policies working, his policies are NOT working.
I wonder how many free lunches Mr.Littlewood has had from politicians, maybe we should have a list of all the little extra’s journalists get from politicians, maybe we should see how much Mr.Littlewood pays for his Gas and Electricity, maybe we should know how much he spends on his BarclayCard and Visa each month?
Any such list would be opening up to the craziest of people’s hatreds, vigilante attacks on those getting something that someone else isn’t getting, jealousies, antagonism, spying, family member against family member, this idea is not just crazy but bloody dangerous.
No Mr.Littlewood, pandering to the mob does not make your idea a good one, and that’s what your idea is doing, pandering to the lowest mentalities in our society….