The Royal British Legion has announced a 72% increase in former soldiers being denied ESA after an Atos Assessment, why the hysteria over this particular story?
The anger is because it’s about men & women who’ve gone to war and been injured in the line of duty, I’m not being harsh but what do these men & women expect from a government such as the one we find ourselves being dictated by?
Whilst I support our men & women who put themselves on the frontline to defend our country, maybe they and the other organisations that represent them should take a look at the wider picture and see what’s happening to the very citizens they are fighting to defend?
In Great Britain all the political parties are doing all they can to deny people their rightful entitlement to welfare benefits, the government will say that they need to direct welfare payments to the right people and stop benefit fraud, whilst I’m sure the vast majority of the public and sick and disabled communities would agree with that sentiment, it’s the way the political elite have decided to go about doing this that is the major problem?
Giving a contract worth billions of pounds to an IT company like Atos to assess a person’s ability to work is a ludicrous one or maybe it’s not if the results you want are to see people denied benefits, how can someone who has only had a couple of weeks in-house training be expected to understand or have a wealth of knowledge about hundreds of different complex medical conditions both mental and physical, they can’t but according to our government they are the right people for the job?
If the DWP/Government were truly intent on finding out if someone is truly capable of work then they would listen to the experts who know and understand their patients the best, the hospital consultants, the GPs, the community nurses, the CPNs, all these people know the abilities of their patients the best but in the vast majority of cases that are assessed by Atos the information that could be garnered from them is TOTALLY IGNORED.
Why has the Audio Recording of ALL assessments been ignored by the DWP? The reason is clear and simple even though it would actually provide safety for the DWP and those Atos HCPs, the truth is that the government/DWP are afraid, they don’t want the truth to be known by the wider public, the government wish to continue peddling the propaganda that benefit recipients are ALL lying cheating malingerer’s who are all extra’s from the cast of “Shameless“.
As more and more disabled servicemen and women are denied benefits by Atos/DWP because of their incompetence and fraudulent practices maybe then the rest of the public will see the real truth of what’s going on in their country in their name.?
To treat these brave men & women like this is a disgrace, a national disgrace to which this government should be ashamed of to which the nation should be ashamed of, the nation should also be just as ashamed about how this government of spivs and freeloaders treats its general populace, we must not let the government divide the country between the deserving and the none deserving for there is NO such thing, that my friends is just a political spin doctors wet dream?
We need to keep campaigning on this issue, we must NEVER give up the fight, too many people’s lives are at stake, too many people have been sacrificed at the altar of right-wing Bullingdon Bollocks for this to continue?