According to the “Daily Hate Mail” 140,000 people get DLA for a bad back, now I’m sure loads of people have what the Hate Mail call a bad back but does that condition disabled them to the state where they cannot perform normal everyday duties?
As per usual the ” The Daily Hate Mail” are using the propaganda tactics the like we have not seen since 1930s Germany, they appear to have an inbuilt hatred of those in society who are vulnerable?
They also claim that 25,000 people get DLA because they have Asthma, are the shithead journalists who work for “The Daily Arsewipe” not intelligent enough to know that Asthma is sometimes a killer and that it is a serious illness not a bloody common cold?
They also make the statement that DLA is for people who have difficulty walking, washing or dressing, wrong again shitheads, DLA is for anyone whose condition affects their ability to perform normal everyday duties, it doesn’t matter what the condition is, as for the “Hate Mail” sniggering at those people who suffer with “Bad Backs”, the terminology used is deceptive, a bad back could mean a little muscle soreness or more likely to be serious spinal conditions, disc problems, nerve canal conditions, bad backs as the bastards at the “Mail” use the terminology is used to make the wider public hate those people in need of “Disability Benefits”, we must fight these liars all the way, the vast majority of people claiming disability benefits are GENUINE people, I think we should all put in a formal complaint about the mails article….