Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ken Clarke busted over Bilderberg in Parliamentary debate

Bilderberg Secrecy Exposed During Parliamentary Debate

Unprecedented insight opens up conflict of interest charges
Paul Joseph Watson

June 10, 2013

The secrecy of the Bilderberg Group was blown wide open during a Parliamentary debate in the House of Commons today when Ken Clarke was forced to defend himself against potentially damaging evidence of a conflict of interest surrounding his role as a steering committee member of the clandestine organization.

MP Michael Meacher asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, an attendee to the confab, to make a statement regarding Bilderberg.

However, the question was answered by Bilderberg steering committee member Ken Clarke, who was forced to embarrassingly claim he had “forgotten” that the organization’s meetings were paid for by funds raised by the Bilderberg Association.

Despite acknowledging he had been on the steering committee for 10 years at the start of his response, Clarke later he had “forgotten” that he was a trustee of the British steering group. “So I am checking with the aid of my constituency secretary, whether I put that in,” said Clarke.

Sensationally, an article by the Telegraph documenting Clarke’s conflict of interest was deleted within one hour of it being published – once again illustrating how Bilderberg holds sway over a compliant mainstream media.

Clarke’s failure to declare his trusteeship of the body that funds the organization is a clear conflict of interest and is set to cause even more spotlight to be thrown on Bilderberg following an explosive live appearance by Alex Jones on the BBC.