It been a funny few last weeks, the amazing success of our petition, whilst being astonishing, thrilling & slightly scary, has also created several moments of tension.
I’ve had various people, particularly on Twitter make, what I felt were snide comments about the very fact our petition has received over 99,000 signatures; these have usually been in relation to other petitions.
I want to set the record straight once & for all; We as sick & disabled people, along with all other vulnerable & minority groups, have in the past 2 1/2 years been subjected to a huge number of cuts to our benefits and services, and an ever increasing amount of hoops to travail. To begin to list them here would take a far better memory than mine.
In response to this oppression, a mammoth number of online campaigns, groups, petitions etc have emerged; and personally I am thrilled to witness & honoured to belong, to a good many of these. In my cyber world I have met far too many people to mention here, but suffice to say they are other bloggers, Tweeters, Facebook users, & online group members; which occasionally where they live locally, have become friends in my real world.
That said, each of these amazing people works tireless on their own little bit of a necessarily huge puzzle; albeit it Welfare Reform, Support for the NHS, Justice Reform, etc. all are striving to challenge the poisonous oppression experienced by the most vulnerable groups in Society.
And that brings full circle, each person, campaign, group & petition plays a vital part in the war we’re fighting, each battle is another victory in this war, each casualty hurts us all; but we are ALL fighting for ONE thing – Justice & Equality for vulnerable people.
It really should not matter which blogs result as articles in the National Press, which individuals represent us on TV, which campaigns receive the most coverage or which petitions get to Parliament; each and every one of those successes is an opportunity to celebrate, regroup and move on to the next battle.
Without every tweet, share, comment our petition to have IDS called to account for Lies would not have been the success it is, and when it ends as a formal presentation to Parliament, it will be an astounding achievement; and collectively we will raised even more awareness amongst the wider population to our war.
It is this ever increasing level of support from the electorate of the UK that will eventually help Parliament realise the people of Britain will not stand idly by whilst any one group is attacked & surely this above everything is our ultimate Goal?