Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The word 'care' in the hands of government means total abuse

Reblogged from The Tap:

Care at the hands of the state


Second in line to the VATICAN for the most allegations against it concerning the abuse of Children are the Welsh Freemasons and their Mafia-Ring of CARE HOMES for teenage children and old people...

Historic allegations of abuse in Welsh care homes have finally been followed up...

 More than one hundred victims came forward - and it seems that on top of being charged as much as £2,500 PER WEEK for a bed-sit, some of these 'Homes' have been prostituting the children in their 'Care' to Freemasons who occupy positions of power on local councils... As soon as the Care Home has had access to the bank accounts of the old people in their care handed over to them, the elderly inmates are beaten-up and sent to an early death, or some 'accident' is staged.

The CARE HOME INDUSTRY works like this: A big house is converted with toilets that have handles low-down, and fire exits. Rooms are divided into bed-sits. Then, either the local SOCIAL SERVICES snatch attractive children from Working Class families or tell elderly people who have more than a few thousand pounds' savings that they will not be able to stay in a NHS hospital but, because they have some
savings, they will have to pay circa £2,500 per week from their savings to live in one of these 10-foot by 12-foot bed-sits. Of course the snatched children aren't charged anything - they are prostituted to local governors, councillors, policemen and Freemasons.

Alleged abuse victim Steven Messham was incarcerated in one of these Care Homes when he was just a child. In October 2012, he told the BBC Newsnight TV show that he was raped "more than a dozen times" after being picked up in a plush car that visited the children’s home in North Wales where he was incarcerated, having been snatched away from his family by Social Services… Who was the abuser of
these children in a posh car? BBC Newsnight described the pedo as ‘a shadowy figure of high public standing’, but failed to name him.Mr Messham, who made his allegations to the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal was ignored, Mr Meesham said ‘various things would happen’ at the hands of a senior Tory politician and he was ‘basically raped’. Mr Meesham was one of hundreds of children abused in the 1970s and 80s – exploitation brought to light by the Waterhouse Inquiry Report in 2000, TWELVE YEARS AGO. When Newsnight were found out protecting the identity and pedo-ring led by Jimmy Savile and other
millionaire Kids-TV presenters, the Public began to ask for - at last - a proper investigation into the thousands of old people and children who have been tortured, beaten and raped by men (and some women) which usually have some kind of link to either the Conservative/Tory Party, the local council or

Operation Pallial led by Director General of the National Crime Agency Keith Bristow will give an update on its progress after beginning its whitewash investigation last November. Dragging its heels, this investigation is FORTY YEARS OVERDUE. So far, the Pallial probe, supported by the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA - who are famous for protecting gangland Copyright Fraudsters on NASDAQ such as Ebay), has resulted in just ONE arrest made over the allegations centring on North
Wales care homes in the 1970s and 1980s. Operation Pallial was one of two investigations announced by millionaire cousin to the Queen, Prime Minister David Cameron, after an abuse victim, Mr Steve Meesham, claimed that Lord McAlpine had abused him. Mr Meesham was interviewed on the BBC’s Newsnight programme and the segment began with the words “…this man says a leading Conservative
Politician from the time was one of his abusers…”. Newsnight is, of course, the same BBC TV show which censored and covered-up the abuse of teenagers inhospitals and care homes by Jimmy Savile. Lord McAlpine is one of the senior financiers of the Conservative Party and the authorities have been at pains to
uphold his claim that the allegations against him were a case of, ahem, 'mistaken identity'…

So far, then, just ONE MAN has been arrested in the Operation Pallial probe. He was taken into custody in Ipswich, and has been released on bail after being accused of “a number of serious sexual offences against a number of individuals”. Former Care Home inmate, Tony Gregory, who says he suffered physical abuse in
Wrexham care home Bryn Estyn between 1977 and 1978, wants culprits who have escaped justice for decades jailed.

Mr Gregory, 51, from Wrexham, who has suffered with depression all his adult life and struggled to hold down a job, said: “People are still walking free that should have been jailed years ago.” Mr Gregory, who says he was sectioned for several months when the abused scandal re-emerged late last year, added: “Nobody has ever admitted any liability. We’ve been told it was a farce and we were telling lies because we were all after making a bit of money.” Mr Gregory’s, brother Keith, 55, a Wrexham councillor, has said he was also abused during his time in the care system in the early 1970s. The abusers and their friends are nearly all Freemasons in positions of power.

The Gregory brothers suggest the abuse went much wider than the Waterhouse Inquiry, which published its report Lost in Care in 2000, found. In line with its remit, this £13m inquiry focused on abuse in care homes in the former North Wales counties of Clwyd and Gwynedd. The report dealt with more than 650 cases of
child abuse in 40 care homes over a 20-year period. Funny how there has only been ONE arrest - and that was in Ipswich - more than 200 miles from the centre of where these Freemasons operate!

Many of these CARE HOMES are owned by the same people - they are converted from existing properties and bought and sold on the open market with INMATES STILL RESIDENT - an average six bedroom house, once divided into bed-sits and a solid income paid by local councillors, will increase in value from, say, £856,000 to more than £3,000,000 in value - simply because the local tax-payers' money is sent to the Care Home each week for the up-keep of the snatched children.

It was revealed after an investigation into Care Home owners who had been buying and trading Care Homes i the DALTON'S WEEKLY newspaper that many of the owners were actually (or had been in the past) working for the local government office which paid these subsidies in the first place. The ownership of several Care Homes has been traced to Aristocrats in Gloucestershire. Two homes are owned by officers of the Serious Fraud Squad, one is owned by a Member of Parliament. The investigation continues.