Reblogged from Atos Victims Group News:
According to Kate Green MP “Atos
Are Drinking In The Last Chance Saloon”, surely Atos have been drinking too
much If we look at the evidence, how many chances are the politicians going to give Atos?
Like the vast majority of politicians from all Political sides they know or
understand anything about Disability or being Disabled, very few if any
whatsoever who have power to make the decisions that affect our lives have any
Kate Green MP is just another politician that the Labour
Party have given the useless position of “Shadow Disability Minister” to,
what have any of the previous Ministers with this title done for the
disabilities community, Jack shit is the answer and they will continue to do
Jack shit.
Ms Green as one would expect concludes that Labour were right to introduce a
“Work Capability Assessment” to see what people could do rather than what they
cannot. That’s part of the problem Ms Green. What one person can do today at
9.00am may not be what they can do at 3.00pm the same day. Conditions vary
greatly. Asking someone if they can lift or hold a carton of milk doesn’t mean
in reality they can hold down a job in an office pressing buttons on a
Life is just not that simple Ms Green, maybe if your party hadn’t taken on
the fraudulent and corrupt UNUM as advisers to help design the assessment
process then maybe the process may have had a chance, instead the Labour Party
decided to use an unethical and corrupt company as its main reference point in
setting up the system?
It would be very simple and cost effective to use the already in place
experts, the claimants own GPs,Hospital Consultants, CPN, etc, to gain evidence
for proof of fitness to work the government could pay a flat fee to these people
to provide a report on their patients fitness to work?
If the political parties want to see genuine people get the benefits then the
ONLY people able to tell you who is or who isn’t fit for work are the experts
who already know the claimants so well?
If this problem is not sorted out very very soon then the pot will boil over,
people who are being abused will fight back, just because we are disabled
doesn’t mean we cannot defend what is our right?
Politicians like you Ms Green will be be held to account for your actions and
your parties actions, no longer will politicians like you continue to say things
like “It needs to be reformed”?
Politicians from all over the world when told of the actions of the Fascists
in Nazi Germany refused to accept or just closed their eyes to
the barbarity that was going on, If you and your fellow politicians do that, you
and all the fellow abuse deniers will be held to account and be prosecuted for
not doing anything, you have been warned Ms Green?
ConDemNation Comment:
The best person to tell the DWP whether a medically diagnosed sick or disabled person is fit for work is that person themselves (or their relatives/carers if they cannot communicate).
Even if the GP could (exceptionally) agree to do so, WHY should they have to keep endlessly repeating to the DWP "this person is unfit for work", when that was already made clear in the original sicknote?
No more weasly gerrymandering loopholes, with the sickest being driven from pillar to post having to beg and grovel to doctors and consultants for reams of so-called evidence that Atos will never bother to read, and DWP 'decision makers' are too unlettered to understand in the first place.
When an individual has a medically diagnosed condition, that condition should be accepted without question as the reason why they may feel the need to reduce or stop working. There is no need to cast aspersions on their characters and try to suggest that a sick or disabled person's "real" motivation for stopping work is not their cancer or MS or chronic pain, but laziness and scrounging.
This is defamation and disablism. What if the government said "women are all lazy scroungers". See what I mean?
In other words there is NO need to try to hammer square pegs into round holes by mendaciously pretending that anyone who has been signed off by their doctors as unfit for work, might still in some mystical and magical way be "fit really".
There are no jobs out there for able-bodied jobseekers, let alone anyone who is disabled. Even workfare providers are showing enough sense to "park" ESA claimants, for fear of being held liable should any succumb to a heart attack or drop dead.
This is all just a great fraud to swindle as many disabled people as possible out of their entitlements, while replacing the Welfare State with an expensive and useless insurance industry run racket.