Someone recently commented that there was once a time when a government policy which led to spate of unintended deaths would have been halted to find out what the fuck was going on.
Yet the death toll linked to the horrific Atos run Work Capability Assessment grows ever higher with a spate of tragic suicides reported throughout December. Life is cheap under neo-liberalism and neither the Tory Party, or Labour – who merely say they will replace Atos but the assessments will continue – are opposed to this terrible regime facing sick and disabled claimants.
Barely any of those found ‘fit for work’ by Atos have actually found jobs, despite Iain Duncan Smith’s magical Work Programme. The number of successful appeals against decisions made to throw people off benefits remains sky high. The stress and suffering caused by Atos is more than well documented by hundreds, if not thousands of people on the internet.
Atos once pretended to be one of those fake-fluffy IT firms like google or twitter but are now famous for cruel incompetence. It has only been the hard work of sick and disabled claimants themselves that has made this happen. The pressure must be kept up and all of those who want to live in a fair and humane society should join the fight to rid ourselves of these private sector parasites and bring the Work Capability Assessment to an immediate end.
A day of action against Atos is taking place this Wednesday 19th February. Protests are taking place in towns and cities across the UK including Leeds, Glasgow, Manchester, Croydon, Hull, Birmingham, Truro, Portsmouth, Edinburgh, Wimbledon and many more. To find a protest near you visit:
In Central London protesters will gather outside Atos’ gleaming corporate headquarters in Triton Square near Euston from 10am, more details at:
Please share, blog and tweet details of all events.
And if you can’t make the nearest one to you then @Atos are on twitter where they’ve been unfairly neglected recently.