Saturday, May 17, 2014

Protestors installed their own complaints desk at job centre

The SLRCG took to streets of Peckham again yesterday, and held a protest and an info-stall outside the Peckham Job Centre.

Peckham Job Centre is notoriously sanctioning more people than any other Job Centre in London. In the hour or so we were there, the number of people who came out of the Job Centre saying they'd been sanctioned grew to 10.

The Job Centre staff really didn't want us anywhere near them and came out to remove the messages from their windows, threatening to call the police if they were put up again. Shamefully, they refused to speak to any of us but just shouted their piece, took off the 'offensive' messages and ran back inside, to carry on sanctioning people.

The stories of people coming out of the job centre, on the other hand, were truly distressing. People were being sanctioned for spurious reasons, including for being minutes late for their 'interview'. None were told a word about their right to appeal let alone given any advice about how their loss of JSA would impact their housing benefit, ability to survive, nothing.

The SLRCG made plenty of noise about the scandalous profiteering on the backs of the vulnerable (recently, a whistleblower stated staff are given targets for how many people should be sanctioned), and gave out leaflets with information on how to fight back. Their next meeting is on Wednesday 21st May, 14:00 at the Old Dispensary pub on Camberwell New Road (Camberwell Green, next door to the GP surgery). If you are in any way affected by the cuts to the benefits and need support to do something about this, please come along and/or spread the word.

Also on Wednesday 21st, from 09:45 - 11:30, Southwark Benefit Justice Campaign will be outside the London Bridge Job Centre, Coburg House, 63-67 Newington Causeway SE1 6LS, with leaflets about the benefits and sanction cuts. If you can join them, please get in touch with them directly by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



The Peckham job centre gave double the number of sanctions against benefit recipients as the rest of London. The inhabitants of inner city borough of Southwark were so outraged they installed their own functioning complaint desk outside the centre.

With Pictures…
