Originally posted on realfare:
The death of a young man and the following media coverage highlights fundamental problems with our society, Thomas Barlow writes.
Martin Hadfield’s death was the natural result of a society that fetishes ‘work’ above all else. As reported on the front page of the Metro on Wednesday, Martin Hadfield took his own life, demoralised by his inability to get work, at the age of 20.
This sad, sad occurrence was coloured by the way it was reported,
firstly by the response of the coroner. He suggested that Martin had
reacted ‘impulsively to life’s events’, which may or may not be
true, but it takes away the agency of someone who was trying to live his
life exactly according to the mores enforced by the rest of society.
His death was not merely an impulsive reaction to life’s events, but the inevitable result of a system that…
Martin Hadfield’s death was the natural result of a society that fetishes ‘work’ above all else. As reported on the front page of the Metro on Wednesday, Martin Hadfield took his own life, demoralised by his inability to get work, at the age of 20.
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