Reblogged from The Void:
So now we know for sure. David Cameron will not be
happy until his race to the bottom turns the UK into a sweat shop economy with
millions of low or even unpaid workers toiling in misery and living lives of
near servitude.
At a conference festooned with banners to ram home the message that Cameron
and his class expect us to work harder, the man who’s never done a real day’s
work in his life set out his nightmarish vision for the future. And like all
true despots he intends to start with the young, who will grow up never knowing
what a society is like where people care about each other, share risks and try
to support those who have fallen on hard times.
In a breath-taking lie, Cameron talked about how young people unable to find
a job are choosing to sign on and rent a Housing Benefit funded flat. In
reality most young people are desperate for work and Housing Benefits will only
pay for a room in a shared house at the cheapest possible rent for those under
35. Job Seeker’s Allowance for people under 25 is set at the miserly rate of
£56.80 a week. Only a gilded toff could imagine that anyone would choose to
live in a tiny room rented from a slum landlord and try to survive on just a few
pounds a day.
Yet even this will no longer be an option if Cameron gets his way, with his
sham claim that young people should be earning or learning. But the
only training available to most young people is workfare – unpaid work
stacking shelves or mopping floors whilst grasping employers claim training
grants from the Government. Young people in these roles are neither earning or
learning, they are just working, hard, to prop up the profits of the rich.
Profits that should be celebrated says David Cameron. But never shared.
Cameron wants to see a million young people working without wages for years
on end or facing lives of homelessness and hunger. A million unpaid workers
entering the workforce to drive down pay and working conditions for everyone.
This is a blueprint to normalise unpaid work and remove any safety net at all
for the young. And they will not stop with the young.
That’s young people incidentally who may be escaping abuse, who will have
nowhere to run if Housing Benefits are removed. Young people living in
over-crowded accommodation, or those whose parents are unable to afford to
support them financially. Only care leavers are to be exempt according
to The Guardian, and possibly single parents. And of course the rich, whose
parent’s wealth can cushion them from the brutal society Cameron is intent on
Five more years of austerity are promised no matter what happens to the
economy the Tories told us this week. Austerity that is really just cheap
political cover for the Tory Party’s long-standing agenda, the crushing of the
Welfare State, the NHS and everything we have left that is decent in the UK.
This is a man who truly hates Britain, or at least hates all of those outside
his own Etonian huddle. A man who considers himself a class above the plebs
beneath who are only fit for a life of hard work and poverty pay. Who does not
care at all if we become sick or disabled or are unable to find a job in an
economy with two and a half million people out of work. Why would he care? He
has always had a vast inheritance to draw on when his Champagne stocks are
running low. And if you don’t have that then fuck you thinks this Prime
Minister, it serves you right for not having rich parents.
Cameron’s land of opportunity is only for the rich. The rest of us are to be
consigned to a cut throat competition, fucking each over in the scramble for the
scraps that are thrown from the top table. Work hard and it could be you,
sitting there with this Eton mess of a government stuffing venison down their
over-privileged throats. But it won’t be. Not ever. Not whilst we continue to
let these parasites ransack our lives.