Saturday, November 30, 2013
Cameron accused of selective human rights principles as he WON'T raise Tibet during China visit
A Free Tibet spokesman said: "He raised human rights in Sri Lanka - he must
show Britain’s principles are not dependent on hosts' wealth"
Flashpoint: China was angered by David
Cameron's meeting with the Dalai Lama
David Cameron is accused today of turning his back on human rights by
refusing to raise Tibet when he travels to China next week.
Downing Street made clear the PM will not mention the Chinese repression of
Tibetans during his visit to Beijing and Shanghai amid fears it will damage
Britain’s business interests.
A No.10 source said they had “turned a page” on Tibet and it would not form
part of the talks with the Chinese leadership.
But the decision has caused anger among human rights groups who questioned
why Mr Cameron was willing to stand up to the Sri Lankan premier when he visited
Colombo last month but is running scared of the Chinese.
Mr Cameron, who is taking a 100-strong business delegation with him, is
hoping to use his four-day visit to drum up trade between Britain and China.
The visit was almost cancelled earlier this year because the PM angered the
Chinese by meeting the Dalai Lama last year.
The Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, claims his country has
been illegally annexed by the Chinese since the 1950s.
Chinese troops continue to police the country and thousands of Tibetans have
died during decades of repression.
Tory MP Tim Loughton, of the all-party parliamentary group on Tibet, said
recently that the Chinese government were treating Tibetans as “second-class
citizens” and the Tibetan culture was being “extinguished”.
Despite the human rights abuses, Mr Cameron has agreed not to upset his hosts
by raising the issue directly.
A Downing Street source said: “This visit is forward-looking. It is about the
future and how we want to shift UK-China relations up a gear. We have turned a
page on the Dalai Lama issue.”
A spokesman for the Free Tibet campaign accused the PM of ditching Britain’s
ethical foreign policy.
“It’s vital that David Cameron speaks frankly and clearly about Tibet while
he is in China. He was willing to raise human rights in Sri Lanka and he needs
to show that Britain’s principles are not dependent on the wealth of his host,”
said a spokesman.
He added: “In Tibet this year, we’ve seen security forces firing on unarmed
protesters, Tibetans killed in custody and people arrested and disappeared
simply for having images of the Tibetan flag on their phones. China is
tightening the screw on Tibet.
“Since Xi Jinping took power, more than 50 Tibetans have set themselves on
fire in the name of Tibetan freedom – is Mr Cameron simply going to ignore
“China thinks that a combination of money and threats can ensure the silence
of UK politicians. George Osborne’s excruciating visit seemed to prove them
right and was a real humiliation for Britain. Mr Cameron needs to restore our
“China is not a rock: it does change and it will change its policy on Tibet if
world leaders have the courage to hold it to account. Mr Cameron stands up for
human rights in Sri Lanka and the right of self-determination in the
"This is his chance to show China and the world that Britain stands up for
justice everywhere.”