Friday, December 13, 2013

Benefits Britain: People Like Us - CPAG

It Could Be You

The shocking truth about 'Benefits Britain' is that people receiving benefits are just like us.

The real story behind the scaremongering is that many UK families rely on benefits and tax credits to top up low pay, to provide a lifeline during tough times or to manage unexpected life changes such as a disability or illness.

The current debate around social security is failing ordinary families. In our latest campaign we want to remind politicians that when they talk about benefit claimants we're talking about real people, real families and real children.

'People like us' will launch with a letter to party leaders, asking them to listen to the real life stories of Jack, Maureen and Paul, which provide a sharp contrast to the picture portrayed in the headlines.

It's time to drop the inaccurate and misleading stereotypes and begin a sensible debate that will lead to policies that promote jobs, tackle low pay, promote affordable housing and help people with the costs of raising children.

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