Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Check Which Gov’t Agency is Spying on Your Smartphone

Reblogged from 21st Century Wire:

In our post-Snowden world, everyone almost accepts that some gov’t agency or another will be scanning their phone calls and data transmissions. Most people just accept this, and hope for that it’s not really happening.

Here’s a way to check, and see for yourself (instructional video below).

When blogger Alex Heid performed this simple check from his location in the United States, he quickly discovered that his phone was being routed through a British Ministry of Defence, most likely being analysed by GCHQ. Alex was using a pre-paid mobile/cell phone carrier.

Phone companies do not seem to be bothered at all about this. According to officials, because no ID is required upon purchase, then pre-paid mobile/cell phone users should have “no expectation of privacy”. Call your carrier and ask them for yourself. If you are on a contract phone, you can also do this same diagnostic and check who’s watching you.

To any customers who might challenge the phone companies on this, the party line they give you will be: “Nothing to fear. We are rerouting your traffic using ‘unused bandwith’ – like the DOD, or the Ministry of Defence – all to improve your user experience”. Of course they are.

Hat tip to Susan Duclos for this post…

By Susan Duclos

WereAreChange is joined by Alex Heid of and, who is a security consultant, to inform everyone how to determine what government agency is spying on your cell phones’ unique IP address. Amazingly, using his own Android phone, going through his settings and status he finds out who his phone is “talking to,” so to speak and looks it up to determine his phone is talking to DINSO, Ministry of Defence in the United Kingdom. Watch, learn, and use the knowledge to be aware of who is spying on your cell phone…

One reader, Walter, tested out this procedure himself, and quickly reported that, SPRINT routing me through:

DoD Network Information Center
Address: 3990 E. Broad Street
City: Columbus
State: OH
Postal Code: 43218
Country: US

“We have surrendered our freedom”, says Walter. He’s absolutely right.

21WIRE readers are welcome to check this for themselves, and then leave their findings in our comment section here.

Exposure is the best tool we have to preserve any remaining rights we have.

READ MORE ON NSA SPYING AT: 21st Century Wire NSA Files