Saturday, February 1, 2014

Serco: Hidden Weaver of the Corporate Military Web

‘“All around the globe, our governments are busy outsourcing public-sector services like health, education, police, prisons, money delivery and military – to the esteemed private sector. It’s sold to the public as a solution to avoiding higher taxes, while retaining better services. But it’s simply an accountancy shell game, where the government kicks the can down the road by spreading the bill to the taxpayer over a longer period of time, in order to avoid any large upfront payments – all the while, allowing a private corporation to extend its influence over society. This, by definition, is fascism.

They are called SERCO, and they run countries…” source

So…let’s Muckety around Serco and see what we find…(gr8 tool!)’

Read more: Serco – Hidden Weaver of the Corporate Military Web