Look, I can't really put it much more simply than this:
Nicola Sturgeon's unprecedented electoral success in Scotland was a result of her crafting a very clear anti-austerity, anti-Tory message,
not the result of a sudden post-referendum rise in nationalism. As the
sheer scale of the SNP victory became clear Nicola Sturgeon was very
careful to reiterate that the number one priority of the now powerful
block of SNP politicians in Westminster would be to oppose ideological
austerity. I believe that she is sincere because to make bold assurances
like that on election night, then not follow through on them, would
severely damage her hard earned reputation as a straight-talking leader
that the people of Scotland can really relate to.
Ed Miliband's catastrophic electoral failure in England
was the result of an appallingly confused economic message. The Labour
Party can only have themselves to blame. Instead of doing everything in
their power to expose Tory ideological austerity as the outrageous and economically incoherent con
that it is, they presented a hopelessly confused austerity-lite
message. The lunacy of this austerity-lite strategy became absolutely
clear in
January 2015 when almost every single Labour MP obeyed the party whip
and actually traipsed through parliament to ratify George Osborne's
ideological austerity agenda!..