Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jobcentre Staff To Be Forced to Sanction Themselves

The PCS Union has revealed that around 40% of DWP staff who will be working on Universal Credit will be on the benefit themselves.

The huge re-orgainsation of both in and out of work benefits begins next April and will see Working Tax Credits, Local Housing Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance, all brought under control of Jobcentres.

Of concern to the PCS is that the new system will extend conditionality of ‘work related activity’ to part time workers who are in receipt of some benefits.  All claimants earning less than the minimum wage for a 35 hour week will be forced to demonstrate that they are constantly looking for ‘more, or better paid’ work.  Failure to comply could lead to workfare or in-work benefits being stopped.

Some part time workers at Jobcentres are likely to fall into this group, meaning that Jobcentre staff could be responsible for sending their colleagues, or even themselves, on workfare!

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The Void