Monday, January 21, 2013

SEETEC: Serious Concerns

A4E gets all the flack about the work programme.

BUT SEETC is another villain of the piece.

“Seetec, which has Work Programme contracts for the north-west, east of England and east London, paid its owner-boss Peter Cooper around £1.7m in dividends and salaries last year. Seetec’s turnover has increased over 30 times to around £50m a year in the past five years, thanks almost entirely to public welfare contracts.”

Seetec Ipswich is run from  Princes Street.

We hear reports that they are more than happy to dish out dole punishments, that is ‘sanctions’.*

People get no money for some weeks and have to rely on food parcels for reasons – often false- given by this little crew.

Some cases we have heard of are truly appalling.

Seems like some little ‘itlers are at ‘work’ here.

* Sanctions:
  • Higher level sanctions (for example for leaving a job voluntarily) will lead to claimants losing all of their JSA for a fixed period of 13 weeks for a first failure, 26 weeks for a second failure and 156 weeks for a third and subsequent failure (within a 52 week period of their last failure).
  • Intermediate level sanctions of four weeks for a first failure, rising to 13 weeks for a second or subsequent failures (within a 52 week period of their last failure) may be applied following a period of disallowance for not actively seeking employment or not being available for work.
  • Lower level sanctions (for example for failing to attend an adviser interview) will lead to claimants losing all of their JSA for a fixed period of four weeks for the first failure, followed by 13 weeks for subsequent failures (within a 52 week period of their last failure)

Ipswich Unemployed Action