Friday, February 15, 2013

Packed Camden Meeting Pledged To Fight Tory Benefit Cuts

Over 160 people packed a Camden Benefit Justice meeting on Thursday [14 February].  Tenants, parents, trade unionists, disabled people  are planning a march through Camden on 23rd March, a network to resist evictions, and pressure on the Council and other landlords not to evict anyone in arrears due to  Benefit cuts. 

With many families losing £300 per week due to the benefit cap – Camden plan to relocate  761 families more than 200 miles away.

Benefit Justice campaigns are spreading fast and with a bit of organising, every area could see meetings like this.

The national Campaign for Benefit Justice summit event on 9 March in central London, will bring together tenants, disabled people, trade unions, the unpaid and the low paid.  It is supported by PCS and Unite unions alongside Defend Council Housing, Disabled People Against Cuts,  tenants and community  organisations, Right to Work and Unite the Resistance

or  via 
to sign up for the 9 March summit, affiliate and donate to the campaign, and organise a local  campaign meeting.

Benefit Justice Summit,
Saturday 9th March 11am-4pm University of London Union, Malet St WC1E 7HY
