Call For Cases 1
Maybe readers can help me?
I would like to build up a list/database of people who have done all of these things:
I would like to build up a list/database of people who have done all of these things:
- Received Employment and Support Allowance or Incapacity Benefit
- Been called for a face-to-face Atos assessment since 2010
- Been put in the Support Group after the face-to-face Atos assessment OR been put in the Support Group after reconsideration by the DWP OR been put in the Support Group by a Tribunal
- Climbed Mount Kilimanjaro*
- Your first name and email address
- Whether the above procedure was a good, bad or neutral experience for you.
Please reply to with the title 'Call For Cases 1'
*just kidding.
Work Test Whistleblower