Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Terminal cancer patients sent to Work Programme

On 21 May 2013 the DWP Select Committee published its report on the Government's Work Programme.

Here's what the firms providing Work Programme training told the committee about the people being sent to them following their Work Capability Assessments:

" A number told us that claimants who were clearly unfit for any type of work-related activity
were being referred to the Work Programme"

"G4S rated the improvements made to the WCA process in recent years as 'four or five out of 10' "

"Kirsty McHugh of ERSA reported “ongoing concern” amongst providers about the accuracy of WCAs"

And, horribly:

"Both G4S and Rehab told us that claimants with terminal cancer, whose life expectancies were shorter than the WCA work-ready prognosis, had been referred to the Work Programme".

So what did the committee, the role of which is to hold the Government to account on behalf of parliament, have to say on the matter?

"We recommend that DWP work with providers to agree a process by which participants whom providers believe are clearly unfit for work can be referred back to Jobcentre Plus".

What do you think of that action plan? Don't tell me, tell the Chair of the committee, Dame Anne, at:
