Conservative MP and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, spent £40,000 on biscuits for his department during 2012 – up from £30,000 in 2011 – according to official figures.
Obviously the concept of austerity is lost on Pickles (as it is with the rest of the Parliament cronies) as and his cronies gorge themselves at the expense of people who cannot afford to eat properly and who have to resort to using food banks.
Councils have been forced to cut services all over the country as a result of his policies, and have been forced to save every penny they can – resulting in significant hardship for many vulnerable people in our society.
As further evidence of Pickles’ ignorance, he told London’s LBC Radio station that “The figure was for part of our hospitality budget. When we have meetings, if people come from a long distance we’ll give them tea and biscuits”.
So if the £40,000 was only part of their hospitality budget (just for biscuits) it means that his department must be spending a horrendous amount of cash to pamper themselves and their cronies.
Pickles went on to excuse the expense as an ‘administrative error’, and the actual figure was much lower.
Labour minister Diane Abbot told the Independent newspaper “Nobody begrudges Eric the odd digestive but he needs to cut his biscuit bill.”
We begrudge Pickles a biscuit. In fact, we begrudge Pickles everything – especially the air he breathes – as he constantly fails to show any kind of compassion for the people he and his ilk are supposed to represent – the people who pay Pickle’s salary and allow him to indulge.
He is a pig, his associates in government are pigs, and the way they are destroying the UK for their own greedy motives is a disgrace.