From the Facebook page ‘The people vs the Government,
“Brilliant result in Rochdale Tribunal today with our
latest victory for a distinquished Falklands war veteran, who was found fit for
work earlier this year by DWP. He suffered a devastating brain hemorrhage with
life threatening complications yet the ATOS GP didnt think it was relevant when
doing the necessary tests to establish whether he was fit for work. One of the
most ludicrous decisions I have seen this year, and thankfully the Judge didnt
keep him in too long before overturning the ATOS report today. The mental
destruction and financial burden on being told you are not disabled has had its
toll on him, as it does with all our other fightback clients, these assessments
just have to stop they are cruel and barbaric in their current form.”
by michelle from the facebook ‘Fightback’, 2nd Dec