Reblogged from Diary of a Benefit Scrounger:
I can hardly bear it any more. Day after day after day. Terrible stories of
suffering, despair and suicide.
I'm know you don't believe it. I know
what you're told. "It's getting better, we're taking action, we're improving the
process, these people don't try hard enough, they're not really sick
People say I shouldn't beg. But I'm not proud. If getting down
on my knees and begging you would make a difference, I'd do it gladly. I promise
you now, you'll be remembered for this. If you're sitting at home right now,
thinking about your legacy, I promise you it will be this. It will be that you
turned away from the pain and suffering before your very eyes. I'll make sure of
it if it takes me 20 years.
It will be that you allowed your Department
for Work and Pensions to lie and cheat and mislead whilst people - millions of
people - suffered.
I know, I don't usually click on video links either.
But you found time to watch Strictly Come Dancing,you said so at the Downing St
charity reception. And we know you loved Fruit Ninja. And you have time to take
countless holidays.
So even if you're convinced I'm wrong,
absolutely certain I'm just a trouble making leftie, please, I'll beg you, I'm
not proud, find ten minutes - just ten minutes to watch
This film.
Capability Assessments have been found in law to discriminate against people
with mental health conditions. Your government appealed but the appeal was
overturned. Not only are you on the wrong side of the argument, you're on the
wrong side of the law.
You have to stop this. You can pause the migration
of Incapacity Benefit claimants until the process can be made safe. YOU can do
it. Today if you chose to. You could stop this dreadful social crisis
unravelling before our eyes.
And I'm begging you. For what it's worth.