Saturday, June 14, 2014

IDS’s historic links to the far-right

Originally posted on Pride's Purge:

(not satire – it’s Iain Duncan Smith!)

No one should be surprised by the extremities of Duncan Smith’s attacks on the welfare state.
After all, Duncan Smith has a history of links to far-right politics – including racist and fascist organisations.
  • In 1995,  Duncan Smith was one of a few Tory MPs who met with senior figures of the racist and anti-semitic French National Front in Westminster. Le Pen’s deputy, Bruno Gollnisch MEP, later said Duncan Smith and other Tory MPs they met were “sympathetic” to their views:
I came to meet members of the Conservative Party sympathetic to our views… I met Duncan Smith and others in their offices and later we got together for less formal talks in a bar somewhere in the Parliament building.

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