Sunday, April 7, 2013

Liam Byrne and the Labour Party finally joins up with the Nasty Party “Did we really expect anything else”…

Ed Miliband at the Atos Scottish Headquarters?
Ed Miliband at the Atos Scottish Headquarters?

So the Labour Party have at last come out of the closet, they have made it clear they will follow the Tory‘s and the right-wing media in attacking those in society who are least able to defend themselves.

Liam Byrne who told us there was no money left when the Labour Party lost the last election is now going to be getting tough on people on benefits, “What a brave man, I bet he loved torturing animals as a kid”

Britain no longer has a political party that can be trusted to look after the needy the poor or the sick and disabled, the country needs a new voice to speak out loud, a voice that will tell the truth.

We are not broke as a nation, our children and our poor need not go hungry or need to rely on food banks, the poor need not be poor and live in poor cold housing, our nation is rich, people are poor and live in deprived situations in this nation because a small minority of people who make decisions choose for these things to be so?

The Labour Party and the Unions could once be relied upon to defend those in our society who couldn’t, the people can no longer rely on either to support the population in their time of need ,Labour politicians with a few exceptions have sold their values and ethics for a few silver dollars.

The population of Great Britain are being conned by the right-wing propaganda of the three main political parties, to get votes at the next general election the Labour Party have shit on the people to get re-elected, I will never ever vote for a Labour politician again…