Friday, April 5, 2013

PM backs Osborne over comments linking Philpott case to welfare

A poster about how expensive disabled people are.
60,000 Reichsmarks is the cost to the people’s purse of this defective. People’s comrade That is YOUR money!

David Cameron said of the Mick Philpott case: 'We want to make clear welfare is not a lifestyle choice.' Photograph: Chris Radburn/AFP/Getty Images
David Cameron said of the Mick Philpott case: ‘We want to make clear welfare is not a lifestyle choice.’ Photograph: Chris Radburn/AFP/Getty Images


According to the DWP – the true figure for claimant fraud for 2011/2012 is actually 0.8%.

Who is lying to you, all you out there who have been deceived into believing that everyone is ‘swinging the lead’?

How does it feel, to be treated like a mug?

Ask yourselves, why am I being lied to?

Is the government defrauding me?

Are YOU a ‘mug’?

Don’t stand for it! Turn on your real enemy!


FACT Benefit Fraud: It is not Disabled People or Claimants who are Frauds and Scroungers but Neo-Nazi Tory Scum and their Tabloid Tools Posted on April 4, 2013

VOTE Did Britain’s benefits system contribute to the Philpott fire killings? – Telegraph: Please vote No!

Woman whose disabled partner was found hanged warns of “devastating’’ impact of disability cuts Posted on April 3, 2013

Change to disability benefits appeals process could leave people penniless Posted on April 5, 2013
“That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.
“They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation. Now the Tories are pouring out money in propaganda of all sorts and are hoping by this organised sustained mass suggestion to eradicate from our minds all memory of what we went through.
“But, I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying now. Do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. He is a very good salesman. If you are selling shoddy stuff you have to be a good salesman. But I warn you they have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse than they were.”
Aneurin Bevan ~ Speech on 3 July 1948 at the Bellevue Hotel, on eve of the entry into force of the National Health Service.

Powered by article titled “PM backs Osborne over comments linking Philpott case to welfare” was written by Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent, for on Friday 5th April 2013 14.09 Europe/London

David Cameron has strongly endorsed controversial comments by George Osborne in which the chancellor highlighted the killing of six children by Mick Philpott to raise questions about welfare payments.

In a BBC interview in his Witney constituency, the prime minister backed the chancellor’s decision to call for a debate on whether it was right to be “subsidising lifestyles like that” – a reference to the Philpott case.

“He is absolutely right,” Cameron told the BBC South of England political editor, Peter Henley. “Philpott was the one to blame for his crimes … We want to make clear welfare is not a lifestyle choice.”

Cameron’s intervention shows that the Tories are prepared to use the case of Philpott, who was said to have been claiming £54,253 a year in child benefit with his partners, to reinforce a series of welfare changes that are coming into place this month. These include a £26,000 cap on household benefit claims.

On Thursday Philpott was given a life sentence for the killing of his children in a house fire. Mrs Justice Thirlwall said he should serve a minimum of 15 years in jail.

The chancellor sparked a storm of protest when he questioned the way in which Philpott had been able to claim high levels of benefits. Osborne said: “Philpott is responsible for these absolutely horrendous crimes and these are crimes that have shocked the nation. The courts are responsible for sentencing him, but I think there is a question for government and for society about the welfare state – and the taxpayers who pay for the welfare state – subsidising lifestyles like that, and I think that debate needs to be had.

Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, accused Osborne of demeaning his office.
“I believe George Osborne’s calculated decision to use the shocking and vile crimes of Mick Philpott to advance a political argument is the cynical act of a desperate chancellor. For the chancellor to link this wider debate to this shocking crime is nasty and divisive and demeans his office.”
The chancellor was condemned by the Liberal Democrats. Sarah Teather, the former children’s minister, said:
“I am shocked and appalled that George Osborne has stooped so low as to make a crude political point out of the tragic deaths of six young children. It is deeply irresponsible for such a senior politician to seek to capitalise on public anger about this case, and in doing so demonise anybody who receives any kind of welfare support.”
But Philip Collins, a former speech writer to Tony Blair, warned that Labour was in danger of handing the political initiative to the Tories, as polls showed strong support for a crackdown on welfare. In his weekly column in the Times, Collins wrote: “This week the tanker of politics started to turn. The benefit cap – which limits welfare payments so that no family can receive more than average after-tax household earnings – was introduced. Housing benefit cuts began to bite.

“Then the grotesque Mick Philpott became the stooge embodiment of all that is said to be wrong with a culture in which the idle take the rise out of the working population. We may look back on this as the week in which the coalition began to speak again to the British public while the forgetful Labour party slunk back on to the sofa.”