Reblogged from Vox Political:
Emailed to the Department for Work and Pensions today:
Thank you for your response to my Freedom of Information request. I am
writing to request an internal review, on the grounds that your refusal
of my request, on the grounds that it is “vexatious”, is unreasonable. I believe
the decision may also be politically motivated.
Your letter states that your refusal is entirely based on a single line – not
in my FOI request itself, but on my political blog website – at the end of an
entry in which I gave details of the request, the reasons it is necessary, and
the information required. That line was “I strongly urge you to do the same.
There is strength in numbers”.
Your letter states: “With this as the stated aim of the exercise I
believe your request is designed to harass DWP in the belief that encouraging
others to repeat a request which they know has already been raised will affect
the outcome of that request.” Although you do not make clear what
“this” is, the statement must be considered irrelevant. The
stated aim of the exercise is the release of statistical information about
people who have died, during 2012, while going through a DWP policy process,
namely the Atos-led work capability assessment system for Employment and Support
Allowance, while appealing against it, or after having had the benefit
refused. This fact is made abundantly clear in the main body of the
article and it is unreasonable to suggest that an afterthought on the last line
changes the entire tone of the piece.
Guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office, ‘Dealing with vexatious
requests’ supports my position. It may be found at
Paragraph 86 states that, “if a public authority has reason to believe that
several different requesters are acting in concert as part of a campaign to
disrupt the organisation by virtue of the sheer weight of FOIA requests being
submitted, then it may take this into account when determining whether any of
those requests are vexatious”. It is unlikely that the ICO will consider an
afterthought comment at the end of a blog post to be, in any way, “acting in
concert as part of a campaign to disrupt”. A concerted campaign would,
in my opinion, require me to be contacting other individuals and telling them
what to do and when to do it, in order to cause the kind of disruption the
guidance describes.
Skipping ahead to Paragraph 92, this states that “it is important to bear in
mind that sometimes a large number of individuals will independently ask for
information on the same subject because an issue is of media or local interest.
Public authorities should therefore ensure that they have ruled this explanation
out before arriving at the conclusion that the requesters are acting in concert
or as part of a campaign”. You have no proof that I have launched a
campaign against the DWP. Even if others making the same request have
mentioned my name or the blog article, this does not constitute a campaign – it
indicates that the issue is of interest to the public. They would not be asking
if they did not want the information. It is the information that is
important – not any unjustified claim by the DWP that it is being
Since you have made that claim, let’s look at Paragraph 87, which supplies
examples of evidence an authority might cite in support of its case that a
request is vexatious. The example that “requests are identical or similar” can
be ruled out because this is likely in a case that has come to public attention
at a particular time. Also to be ruled out is the example stating there is “an
unusual pattern of requests, for example a large number submitted within a
relatively short time” – this is to be expected when a matter of public interest
comes to public attention.
The question of whether you have received email correspondence in which other
requesters have been copied in or mentioned is relevant, though. Have you
received such correspondence? I have not, and as the suggested
instigator of your imagined campaign, I think I would need to be a part of such
The question of whether a group’s website makes an explicit reference to a
campaign is also relevant. My website is my own, and does not belong to a group
but, for the sake of fairness, let’s ignore that in your favour. Does my
comment, as quoted by you, make an explicit reference to a campaign of
harassment against the authority? Of course it does not. I’m sure
the Information Commissioner would laugh at such an inference.
Paragraph 89 states that “If the available evidence suggests that the
requests are genuinely directed at gathering information about an underlying
issue (in this case, the number of deaths occurring in relation to a DWP policy
process), then the authority will only be able to apply section 14(1) where it
can show that the aggregated impact of dealing with the requests would cause a
disproportionate and unjustified level of disruption, irritation or distress.
You cannot prove this.
The DWP habitually collects the information I requested, and has already
turned the data from 2011 into an ‘ad hoc’ press release without claiming that
it caused a disproportionate or unjustified level of disruption, irritation or
At a meeting of the Commons Work and Pensions Committee on July 10, David
Frazer, your Director of Information, Governance and Security Directorate, said:
“If Ministers themselves want to use information publicly, and it’s not readily
available from a first-release publication or a tabulation tool, then we also
produce what’s known as an ‘ad hoc’ statistical release… It’ll have the key
numbers and advice on how to interpret.”
We know that ‘Incapacity Benefits: Deaths of recipients (9 July
2012)’ was an ‘ad hoc’ release – so Mr Frazer was saying that the
information it contained is gathered as a matter of course. It should,
therefore, be easy to gather it together and release it into the public
Mr Frazer said: “We put out regular publications that say [for example]‘this
is the latest number of people on working-age benefits; here’s a summary of the
key trends and matters around that.” He went on to say this was supported by
background information and charts created by dedicated statisticians and
analysts. In that context, it stretches credibility for the DWP to claim it does
not keep statistics on the results of ESA work capability assessments, including
– especially – the number of people who have died. This government department
has an army of experts compiling data on its activities every day.
In your refusal letter, you argued that “Compliance with multiple
repetitions of a known request also causes a burden, both in terms of costs and
diverting staff away from other work, due to the significant time required to
administer these requests.”
However, we know from the evidence of Mr Frazer that this is not the
case. He said, on the record, that the DWP makes its responses to FOI
requests publicly available on its website: “Besides sending them to the person
that’s made the FOI request, they’re readily available to everybody else”. Clearly, then, if someone sends in an FOI request for identical information to
that requested by someone else, they can be directed to the relevant webpage
with a minimum of effort from DWP staff. The time required is
tiny, not “significant” – therefore any claim that a request is
“vexatious” on such grounds is obstruction on the part of the authority – abuse
of the legislation.
And consider this: If the purpose of s.14 is to protect the resources of a
public authority from being squandered on disproportionate use of FOIA, the fact
that multiple requests are being made, by different people, means that this use
of your resources is NOT disproportionate but would, in fact,
rectify an omission in the Department’s statistical coverage. This is
information that should be in the public domain and it is remiss of the DWP to
withhold it. Some might say it constitutes dereliction of duty.
So you see, the aggregated impact of dealing with the requests, according to
the DWP’s own Director of Information, would not cause a disproportionate and
unjustified level of disruption, irritation or distress. It may be
handled as a matter of course and, in any case, the information should be
publicised as it is a matter of public interest.
You may wish to claim that public interest arguments are irrelevant as ICO
guidance states there is no public interest test when considering whether a
request is vexatious. This would be a misreading of the rules.
Public interest is relevant when considering the context of the request, and the
guidance states that a public authority may take this aspect into account. The
subject of my request is clearly a matter of substantial public interest,
acknowledged as such by the DWP, otherwise the ‘ad hoc’ statistical release of
2012 would not have been published.
I draw your attention also to paragraph 27 of the guidance. The information
about an “accusatory tone” is irrelevant as my tone, although formal, may not be
considered aggressive in any way. But the paragraph goes on to state that if the
“request has a serious purpose and raises a matter of substantial public
interest, then it will be more difficult to argue a case that the
request is vexatious“. As you know, my request was for very specific
information that has been withheld from the public (in my opinion) unreasonably,
and it is in the public interest to have that information published.
Finally, taking all of the above into account, it seems likely that
there is a political motivation behind the refusal of my request.
Paragraph 13 of the ICO’s guidance states explicitly that “Section 14(1) is
concerned with the nature of the request rather than the consequences of
releasing the requested information,” but in his evidence to the Work and
Pensions Committee on June 10 – in relation to this very request – Mr Frazer
revealed that it is likely my request was refused by a Minister, for political
reasons. He said: “In the first instance we have officials who will look at what
the request is; they will look at whether it would produce a disproportionate
cost for what it is – they will make that judgement, but I believe it will come
down to Ministers to make that call.”
With regard to this alone, it is clear that the DWP is abusing the
‘vexatious’ exemption. It is not intended to shield the government from
politically challenging fallout.
So you see, there are no possible grounds for refusing my request. Please
carry out an internal review – with alacrity. There should be no difficulty with
this as John Shield, your director of communications, has already promised the
Commons Work and Pensions committee that he would check this request, to make
sure the response is “copper-bottomed, 100 per cent accurate”. He will
find that it is not.
Afterwards, you must immediately release the information I requested. My FOI
request was made after I learned that a previous request, made in November last
year, had been refused. The DWP delayed responding for more than seven months
before notifying the requester that it had no intention of releasing the details
he had requested. It is now eight months since that original request was made.
According to the ‘ad hoc’ statistical release last year, this means an
average of 2,482 people are likely to have died while going through the process
in the intervening time – but those figures are out of date.
How many deaths have really taken place?
If you persist with your negative decision, I will have to complain to the
Information Commissioner’s Office for a ruling.