Reblogged from Vox Political:
I never expected to see the first round of my fightback against the
DWP over my ‘Atos deaths’ FoI request fought out at Westminster – by other
people. We truly live in interesting times!
I refer to the ‘information gathering’ session of the Commons Work and
Pensions committee that took place this afternoon involving John Shield,
Director of Communications and David Frazer, Director of Information, Governance
and Security Directorate at the Department for Work and Pensions. They provided
some fascinating information on the workings of the Department which may prove
extremely helpful in the future.
Readers will recall that my request followed one from Samuel Miller about the
number of ESA claimants who died in 2012 - while going through the Atos-run work
capability assessment process; while appealing against a decision; or shortly
after a decision, no matter what it was. In essence, this would be an update of
a DWP statistical release entitled ‘Incapacity
Benefits: Deaths of recipients (9 July 2012)’. After a seven-month wait, he
was told that the document had been an ‘ad hoc’ statistical release and there
was “no intention” of updating it.
Let’s look at that. According to Mr Frazer, “The main way we
make statistics available is through the publication of regular statistical
series – number of people on working-age benefits, employment programmes and so
forth… We release something like 50 statistical series, sometimes four or more
times a year.” Why not the number of people who have died while going through
the Atos-led assessment process? Is this a political
“We put out regular publications that say ‘this is the latest number of
people on working-age benefits; here’s a summary of the key trends and matters
around that.” He went on to say this was supported by background information and
charts created by dedicated statisticians and analysts. In that context, it
stretches credibility for the DWP to say it does not keep statistics on the
results of ESA work capability assessments, including –
especially – the number of people who have died. This
government department has an army of experts compiling data on its activities
every day, and it is claiming that it keeps no such
He mentioned a ‘tabulation tool’ that allows people to create their own
statistics – but this, of course, depends on the figures that are made
available. He describes the data sets available as “fairly rich”, but
DWP-related deaths are not among them. It is a shame that nobody picked
him up on the fact that fatalities are not included. As social security benefits
are principally used by people with no other means of support, in order to
continue living, citizens of this country expect that to be an important
part of this information; it is a key indicator of the efficacy of
government policy. And it is not mentioned.
Then he said: “If ministers themselves want to use information publicly, and
it’s not readily available from a first-release publication or a tabulation
tool, then we also produce what’s known as an ad hoc statistical release… It’ll
have the key numbers and advice on how to interpret.”
We know that ‘Incapacity Benefits: Deaths of recipients (9 July 2012)’ was an
ad hoc release – so Mr Frazer was saying not only that the information
it contained is gathered as a matter of course; he was also saying
that this information is routinely kept out of the public
domain. There cannot be any other interpretation.
Let’s move on to Freedom of Information requests. I submitted mine,
requesting the same information as Mr Miller, plus some extra facts that I
consider to be in the public interest. Readers will be aware that my claim was
rejected as “vexatious” on the paper-thin grounds that I had written an article
on this site, stating that I was submitting a FOI request and suggesting –
as an afterthought – that other readers might wish to do the
same, the idea being that officials and ministers could judge the strength of
feeling on the issue by the number of requests arising from a single refusal,
made to an individual who is not – let’s be honest – a popular media
The response wrongly stated that this was “the stated aim of the exercise”,
rather than the afterthought it obviously was, refusing my request by claiming
it was “vexatious” in that it was “designed to harass the DWP”. Of course it
wasn’t. It was designed to get the death statistics into the public
domain, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence can tell!
The refusal notice stated: “Compliance with multiple repetitions of a known
request also causes a burden, both in terms of costs and diverting staff away
from other work, due to the significant time required to administer these
But Mr Frazer said today that the DWP makes itse responses to FOI requests
publicly available on
its website. He actually said, on the record: “Besides sending them to
the person that’s made the FOI request, they’re readily available to everybody
else”. Clearly, then, if someone sends in an FOI request for identical
information to that requested by someone else, they can be directed to the
relevant webpage with a minimum of effort from DWP staff. The time required is
TINY, not “significant” – therefore any claim that a request is
“vexatious” on such grounds is obstruction on the part of the authority – abuse
of the legislation.
The next factette knocked this one into a proverbial cocked hat: It
seems my request was most probably refused by a Conservative DWP Minister,
for political reasons. Take a look at this exchange between
Dame Anne Begg, chairing the meeting, and Messrs Frazer and Shield.
Anne Begg: Who makes the decision of whether to answer a Freedom of
Information request?
David Frazer: In some cases the decision is finally down to the Minister, but
on a routine basis it is officials that will routinely answer and prepare
Anne Begg: Recently there has been a Freedom of Information request and a
reply came back saying that it was a ‘vexatious’ request, and the department
wasn’t going to provide the information. Who would make that decision?
David Frazer: In the first instance we have officials who will look at what
the request is; they will look at whether it would produce a disproportionate
cost for what it is – they will make that judgement, but I believe it will
come down to Ministers to make that call. (He is saying it was a political
Anne Begg: The reason given for not providing the information was the person
asking it had mentioned something on a blog, and therefore it was interpreted as
being vexatious, and therefore they wouldn’t supply the information.
David Frazer: Okay. I think that’s fairly rare.
John Shield: My understanding of what happens is that requests come in,
officials analyse – look at those requests, go through the process David has
described. Once that has happened, a recommendation is made, and that is
sent to Ministers as part of a wider brief on FOIs. But of course we can
check that for you to make sure that is copper-bottomed, 100 per cent
Go ahead if you like John, but I’ve already had a look at the Information
Commissioner’s advice on “vexatious” requests – and you’re up the
proverbial creek without a paddle.
Having been sold down the river by their ministers, the two officials can
take heart that their responses to further questions managed to inflict
considerable damage in return. Referring to Iain Duncan Smith’s claim that 8,000
people moved off-benefit and into work before the start of the benefit cap, in
order to avoid being affected by it, it seems this was based on two sets of
statistics – an estimate of the number of people the DWP believed would be
affected, and information from Job Centre Plus that people had sought advice on
the benefit cap, and 8,000 people were no longer on benefit.
It seems that Iain Duhhhhh… Smith put two and two together (conflated the
information) got 8,000 and then wrote a silly little opinion piece in the
Daily Mail, despite the fact that the information carried a warning
from DWP officials.
“In the context of that quote, that was in relation to an opinion piece given
to the Daily Mail where the Secretary of State was stating his opinion
on the statistics and not only basing it on that but basing it on what staff had
been telling him about the impact of the cap, the management information that he
had been receiving, and what claimants had actually been saying to him,” said Mr
Shield. “So that was a judgement formed by him. As a politician, he can make
those judgements around what he thinks data is saying in the context of
everything else.”
He continued: “This was part of an article from the Secretary of State that
made out that view… It would have had some involvement from DWP officials,
special advisors and the Secratary of State.”
Dame Anne Begg asked the obvious question: “So no-one checking the written
articles from the Secretary of State – from the statisticians’ point of view –
actually said ‘Secretary of State – if you look at the little footnote… It says
that you cannot interpret that these people have gone into work as a result of
these statistics’. Nobody pointed that out?“
Mr Shield’s response was revealing: “If a Minister is doing very much an
opinion piece which is about their reflections and views on how policy is
working and performing, sometimes they’ll be produced without press office
involvement at all. Sometimes they’ll be produced by special advisors; sometimes
they’ll be produced partly by us, partly by advisors, partly by ministers.”
He admitted that, “in this instance it did involve the press office”, but
added: “I’m just trying to be clear that not everything that comes out
of the department will go through us – particularly when there are political
In other words, it seems he’s saying that Smith ignored his officers’
advice and went ahead with a false statement. That’s my interpretation.
Can anyone see any other way he could have been playing it?
Finally, for this article, let’s look at Grant Shapps and the 878,000 people
he said shuffled off ESA because they were afraid to take the work capability
assessment. We all know, by now, that the statement was false; it was a figure
covering a five year period, and included significant numbers of people who had
quit the benefit for many other reasons. The total number who had dropped out
before taking the WCA was something like 19,700, who may have had their own good
reasons for doing so.
What was Mr Shield’s defence of the Conservative Party chairman?
“This is purely a party piece of output. People look at the website, form
their own judgements and interpretations and put out their own material…. We
stay away from the politics of these matters.”
So the meeting concluded that Conservative ministers have withheld
information, despite receiving perfectly valid Freedom of Information requests,
for political reasons. The Secretary of State made an inaccurate statement about
the effect of the benefit cap, despite being warned about the facts, for
political reasons. And the Conservative Party Chairman made up a story – for
political reasons. Liars all.
We should be grateful to the DWP officials for making that perfectly