From the facebook page ‘ATOS miracles’ 16th September 2013:
” Last week on Saturday afternoon I visited Shelter, the charity shop in Worksop, and I got chatting to the store manager about the Bedroom Tax and ATOS.
An older gent, about 60-ish interjected.. ‘It’s upsetting.. My friend who was profoundly disabled… Had an assessment, they [ATOS] said there was nothing wrong with him.. They took his benefits off him, and he killed himself..’
This is happening much closer to home than anyone cares to think!
always knew it was bad but to have it laid bare to you on a Saturday afternoon… well, it’s jarring – so I ask everyone who has a heart, wake up and smell the acrid coffee that THIS government is grinding – right here, right now. People are dying for fucks sake – in your community in this so called ‘great’ British land we call home, a disabled person is either killing themselves, having a heart attack due to the unnecessary stress, or being spat at in the street and called a ‘benefit scum, cheat’… David Cameron and Ian Duncan Smith should be summoned to the Hague for Crimes Against Humanity – they’re really no better than Messrs Assad and Hussein.”