Monday, November 25, 2013

Police all over the world broke child porn ring except UK Police who refused to co-operate

Reblogged from The Tap:

By Justice Denied

Leads given to UK police since 2011  which provided  names of paedophiles involved in child porn network of Azoz films were not followed up by UK Police.  In fact they just ignored the information in order to protect the paedophiles because paedophilia is used for Blackmail in the UK by State Agencies who work hand in hand with the Police.  Police officers are regularly seconded to M15. The child porn network is a multi million  industry and many key people in the UK are part of this organised crime group which is also invloved in the illegal trade in drugs and arms.   

And a list of British paedophiles - said to include foster carers, priests and teachers and police officers - was handed to British police by a Canadian detective.

Toronto detective Paul Krawczyk said his team passed “hundreds of names” to CEOP - the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre - 18 months ago. Including names and addresses and credit card details   what did the UK police and security services do with this vital intelligence they totally ignored it.

The child porn network is a  worldwide multi billion pound industry and  is organised crime at its worst.  Azaz films was a key component of this organised criminal group , who are totally protected in the UK.  It includes  kidnapping and trafficking children  for  the rich and famous.    In the UK the  Courts of Justice  traditionally removed children from their parents and placed them in the hands of paedophiles  now this  discredited  Justice system relies more heavily of forced adoption.  read more from

How does it work.?  Paedophiles are promoted into senior positions  they become top police officers, top politicians, lords, senior security officers, they are pivoted into positions of power where they can protect the organised criminal group involved in  the child porn and trafficking network.    

The subverting of the criminal justice system allows these top criminals to protect  the organisation. Jailing whistle blowers and victims who get in their way  and protecting  their key embers from being  arrested or prosecuted,   They scratch each others backs.

Tom Watson is calling for a FBI style national Child Abuse Force    

This  might help but not if the same key people who run the police and parliament and the security services had influence of choosing personnel.  What is needed is a new force  full of people like Stuart Syvret  who has fought  to expose corruption and child abuse  and is now languishing in  jail because he could not be  bought or silenced by the Organised crime group.