Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Bedroom Tax: How can grinning Coalition MPs defend hated charge with such glee?
Families affected by the hated tax watched the debate over the Government’s
‘spare room subsidy’ with incredulity, and at times in tears
Adam Gerrard/Daily Mirror
Yesterday an army of ordinary people descended on the House of Commons from
across Britain.
Mums and dads, parents of disabled children, the long-term unemployed,
everyday grafters, the sick and the tired, all arriving at Westminster to lobby
their MPs over the
Bedroom Tax.
British democracy isn’t watched over often enough by the people whose lives
it has the power to build or destroy.
In the gallery, families affected by the hated tax watched the debate over
the Government’s ‘spare room subsidy’ with incredulity, and at times in
“They are just a playing a bloody game,” a woman whispered to me.
A woman for whom every single day is a desperate struggle. For whom even the
journey to Parliament will cost her weeks of ill health.
“I didn’t think they just wouldn’t care at all,” she said.
Invited to attend by the Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Rachel Reeves,
severely disabled people had made long and difficult journeys from forgotten
estates in Glasgow and from the Welsh coast, from Yorkshire and Cornwall.
But, clearly unable to defend the indefensible, Iain Duncan-Smith, the
architect of the Bedroom Tax, wasn’t even there.
Instead, families watched IDS’s junior, the Liberal Democrat Steve Webb – the
Work and Pension Minister – defend the tax with relish.
Of all the things people expected, it wasn’t this. They didn’t imagine the
government would actually enjoy their misery.
They didn’t expect Esther McVey, the welfare minister to be grinning behind
Steve Webb. They didn’t expect the Government to be proud of their policy.
If they had hoped for some small spark of humility, my God, they had come to
the wrong place.
"Unicorns don't exist, fairies don't exist, and it doesn't matter how much
the opposition says it, the Bedroom Tax does not exist," laughed Anne Main, the
Tory MP for St Albans. How the government howled.
It was hard not to feel ashamed, sitting there behind the bulletproof glass
of the gallery. The disconnect was more than glass, it was light years.
I found myself unable to look at Paul Rutherford, a disabled grandfather who
had travelled many hours on the train from Pembrokeshire to watch the
The story of his grandson, Warren, who I told in the Mirror last week, is
just one of 660,000 reasons MPs should have voted against the Bedroom Tax.
Last week I told Warren’s story in this column – how he has a rare
chromosomal disorder that means he needs round-the-clock care.
How his home built especially for him – with an extra bedroom for carers to
stay in and to store his equipment.
Kate Green MP, Labour’s shadow minister for the disabled, told MPs how
Warren’s family is now being punished by the Bedroom Tax for having that very
same room.
The twisted truths came pouring out of the front bench – how they were
helping everyone adversely affected by the tax, how the country has run out of
money. The families watched, exhausted, listening to how it was all their own
Slowly people realised that even though the green benches on the government
side were half empty, they’d all be turning up later to vote down Labour’s
attempt to end the policy.
Rachel Reeves had spoken movingly to the campaigners in the morning, pledging
to abolish the Bedroom Tax as her first action when elected to office.
Adam Gerrard/Daily Mirror
There was huge anger at the meeting as people aired their utter frustration
and despair.
"I understand why people are so angry and upset not just about the Bedroom
Tax but about all the welfare changes,” Reeves told them.
"We have invited people from all parties to come here and hear your
"But I bet not a single Liberal Democrat or Tory comes here. Don't say that
we are all the same because we are not.”
Afterwards one woman told me the meeting was “the most real thing I have seen
in Parliament in 15 years of campaigning for disabled rights”.
In the afternoon, the campaigners watched Reeves, MP for Leeds West, and the
packed Labour benches take on the Government over the Bedroom Tax.
Reeves called on the government to “come to its senses”, and to consider its
consciences. Her pleas fell on deaf years.
Labour MPs paid tribute to the campaigners watching, and told their constituents’ stories – one sad, outrageous tale after another.
At least Hansard will now record them, and how this policy destroyed so many
The Tories and Liberal Democrats made clever points about taxes and
under-occupancy and what Labour did once upon a time.
Paul Rutherford sat in the gallery, exhausted by his journey from
Pembrokeshire. On Monday, campaigners from the Wow Petition sent a letter he’d
written to every MP in the country, telling of his family’s ‘struggle and
“To many, £14 a week may seem like a pittance,” he wrote. “To us it is a
Paul pointed out that “we actually save the Public Purse a minimum of
£250,000 a year by caring for Warren. The amount effectively saved by kinship
carers such as ourselves is assessed by some charities as well over a billion
pounds a year.”
His case made the point quietly and eloquently. The Bedroom Tax is not only
morally wrong, it is wrong-headed. It is ideology writ large.
In the late evening, MPs went into the division lobby, into the ayes and the
The record will tell whose consciences will bear the future suffering of
hundreds of thousands of families.
And which MPs are no longer worthy of their constituents’ votes.
Contact Ros Wynne Jones
Have you or your family been affected by the cuts? Or have you been shocked
by how your area has been hit?
I want to reveal what’s really happening around the country every week.
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