Thursday, November 14, 2013

Even Melvyn Bragg says the bedroom tax is rubbish

Reblogged from Kate Bellgrave:

Don’t often do celebs here, but since this one pretty much fell across the lens and because everyone else is doing Brand and Webb and whatnot – here’s Melvyn Bragg saying the bedroom tax is a waste of space at today’s bedroom tax protest outside the House of Commons (sound quality is a bit crap as I was still faffing with the directional mic when Melvyn wafted into frame):

Said Melvyn:

“I agree with this demonstration. I think it’s (the bedroom tax) is doing a lot more harm than good. And I’m glad you’re here today. It’s a pity there’s such a panic on inside the House of Commons. I agree with this demonstration. It’s a tax on very poor people and often very disadvantaged people and it’s completely unfounded. The sooner they get rid of it, the better.”

Way to go Melvyn. Up yours, Cameron.

The panic Melvyn referred to was caused, apparently, by a bomb scare at parliament. I’d been queuing to get in to hear an hour of the bedroom tax debate (Iain Duncan Smith had already done a runner from it), but then security told us to leave and ushered the whole protest up the road. The police cordoned off the entire area, then un-cordoned it after about an hour. Have put a bit of video of that in at the end.

Here are the vote results. Grim. Time for Labour to instruct its councils and housing associations to simply refuse to collect the tax and to introduce no-evictions policies across the board. Been time for that for a while, of course. Ho hum.

And here’s a full list of Labour non-voters. Includes my own – Joan Ruddock. Have said it before and I’ll say it again – people are on their own with this. Political class doesn’t give a shit.