Friday, November 1, 2013

On-line events November 5th and 6th

In Actual Fact
Two events coming up – we need you!

Event 1: Tuesday 5 November is the People’s Assembly national day of action against austerity, tweeting on#burnausterity. Alongside the many events of the day, we want to raise awareness of In Actual Fact and enourage people to use it to back their anti-austerity campaigns.

We’d love you to tweet (and Facebook) on and off throughout that day from the In Actual Fact site, adding the #burnausterity hashtag at the end of tweets (you might have to modify some tweets to squeeze it into the character limit).

Please also send out more general tweets, including the #burnausterity hashtag and directing people to In Actual Fact: the counter-propaganda site, giving actual facts about benefits and public services cuts.
Event 2: Wednesday 6 November 9.00pm, BBC will broadcast ‘Britain on the Fiddle’ ( (the first in a series of three). This is a chance to show In Actual Fact working to counter propaganda. We need you to join us, mass-tweeting on the #britainonthefiddle hashtag (you might have to modify some tweets to squeeze it into the character limit).

We’ll be tweeting throughout the hour of the programme and for the hour after, answering every single lie with relevant tweets from the IAF site. We’re also planning to use tweets to respond directly to misinformation and bile put out by other people on the #britainonthefiddle thread.
Liz Crow
Roaring Girl Productions

We’ve launched In Actual Fact, a counter-propaganda website of carefully-sourced facts which combat  government and press rhetoric on benefits and public cuts: