By extolling the virtues of permanent austerity, the prime minister has abandoned the middle ground he needs to win
Illustration: Matt Kenyon
Steve Bell hit the nail on
the head. His Guardian
cartoon on Wednesday has David Cameron cutting his own head off while
extolling the virtues of permanent austerity. The prime minister's speech
to the lord mayor's banquet that the cartoonist mocked was indeed an act of
bewilderingly self-destructive folly. Yet in many ways it defines the modern
Conservative party.
Cameron's speech in
praise of the smaller state may prove to be a seminal text in his party
leadership. It crosses a line that the Tory leader has sometimes been reluctant
to cross, but across which he has occasionally been tempted, especially when
politically weakened or when he is not thinking clearly about his party's
interests. This is such a time. I think it could mark the moment at which he
loses the 2015 election.
It is important to
understand what Cameron did and didn't say this week. Much of his speech was
firmly and sensibly camped on the familiar centre ground of the economic
argument. He said the success of the economic recovery, which received another boost on
Wednesday from the Bank of England, is far from guaranteed. No argument
there, given that real wages are forecast to shrink for a further 18 months. He
said the UK can't pull up the drawbridge on the interconnected world economy –
an important message to his Eurosceptics. He said a programme of more state
spending and borrowing is a false answer – look across the Channel if you doubt
the truth of that. And he said that an unquestioning embrace of globalisation is
a false answer too.
There is, it should be
recognised, a danger about reading too much into this passage. Words are not
always followed by deeds. On the other hand, Cameron has not always spoken in
these terms. As the Guardian's news
report on Tuesday pointed out, three years ago Cameron said that he hadn't
come into politics to make cuts. They were simply forced on him by
circumstances. Now, however, he is talking about something more profound and
permanent. It is a big change.
Cameron has ducked and
dived on this issue throughout his period as Conservative leader. When he took
over, before the financial crisis, his party committed itself to match Labour's
public spending plans – a commitment now brushed under the carpet in the effort
to blame Labour for the economic crisis. But in autumn 2009, with the general
election only a few months off, both he and George Osborne suddenly clothed
themselves in a small-state identity. In his party
conference speech of 2009, Cameron suddenly announced: "It is more
government that got us into this mess." The word bankers never even passed his
That claim is hard to sustain in the light of what Cameron said this week. If words mean anything, Cameron's speech this week was a promise that, if re-elected, a Conservative government will continue to cut the state throughout its next period in office. On one reading of what he said, the job is only a third done. That's a lot of cuts still to come – more than have been imposed thus far since 2010 – and given the shape of the public spending budget and the relative fragility of the recovery, that means further large cuts in welfare and health in particular in the years up to, and maybe even beyond, 2020.
Now, it is important to
say that this is not necessarily a wrong policy in principle. No modern
political party in this country has a very clear answer to the question of what
size the state should be. There is undoubtedly an arguable case for what Cameron
this week called "a leaner, more efficient and more affordable state". Who,
after all, seriously wants to have the opposite: a state that is fatter, less
efficient and less affordable? Not me. The right size and the agreed functions
of the modern state are some of those tough questions that democracies, as David
Runciman argues, aren't very good at answering with clarity.
But Cameron's policy is
certainly wrong in political practice. That's because, put simply, not enough
people trust the Tories to cut the state fairly. This week's polls provide a lot
of evidence for the view that the Tories have not made the sale for a smaller
state. It's why, in this
week's Guardian/ICM poll, in spite of some encouraging economic numbers, the
Conservatives remain on only 30%. It's why, in another
recent poll, only 28% think that what the Tories stand for "is broadly the
kind of society I want". You don't win elections with 28s and 30s.
Still too beguiled by the Thatcher era and arrogantly inattentive to their enduring unpopularity outside southern England, the Conservatives simply do not give enough attention to constructing a project for a majority. They never seriously ask themselves what might persuade the 72% who don't want the kind of society the Tories stand for to change their minds. It certainly won't be the speech that Cameron gave this week, that's for sure.