Monday, April 8, 2013

Ed Miliband defends Labour’s introduction of the Biopsychosocial Unum/AtoS Assessment régime and scrapping of DLA for PIP

Miliband and Iain Grey at ATOS Scotland HQ in Livingstone Friday 21st January 2011

Above: Miliband and former Scottish Labour Leader Iain Grey at ATOS Scotland HQ in Livingstone Friday 21st January 2011. In the Scottish Parliament May elections in 2011 Grey narrowly retained his seat after a recount of votes in his constituency and an historic landslide victory of the SNP in an electoral system designed not to deliver such an overall majority. Neoliberal social security policies have seen a significant increase in support for an independent Scotland.

Labour leader Ed Miliband explains his brand of ‘one nation’ policies at the launch of Labour’s local election campaign on Monday. Miliband uses the launch to criticise the coalition’s benefit reforms, saying the process must be ‘done right’.

The Labour leader claims his party would use a fair assessment process while helping those who are able to get back into work

The Guardian Source: ITN. Length: 1min 47sec Monday 8 April 2013


New Labour, The Market State, and The End of Welfare by Jon Rutherford Posted on September 7, 2011

Jon Rutherford in July 2008: “When the history of the end of this (LABOUR) government comes to be written, welfare reform will be found inscribed on its coffin” Posted on June 18, 2012

Illness as ‘Deviance’, Work as Glittering Salvation and the ‘Psyching-up’ of the Medical Model: Strategies for Getting The Sick ‘Back To Work’ Posted on July 25, 2012

‘Private firms’ role in creation of disability assessment regime’ ~ Black Triangle’s Letter Published in The Guardian Posted on September 14, 2012
Our welfare state is being dismantled under false pretences Posted on January 22, 2013

Britain: for hard workers only. If you can find a job Posted on April 8, 2013
Why an ‘objective’ test for PIP is impossible using government assumptions Posted on December 22, 2012