He cannot stop himself can he, Iain Duncan Smith continues to spread lies about benefits like farmers spread manure to improve crop growth?
In the Mail an article quotes him as saying
‘Seventy per cent of people on it have lifetime awards which means no-one sees you ever again. It doesn’t matter if you get better or your condition worsens – it’s quite ridiculous,’ Mr Duncan Smith said.
‘There are websites dedicated to telling you how to avoid the pitfalls of making a claim for DLA. We have seen a bit of a rise in the run-up to PIP – in some parts of the North West a doubling in claims. And you know why? They know PIP has a health check. They want to get in early, get ahead of it.There may be people who have lifetime awards of DLA and who may until now NOT have require continual reassessment, what’s the point of reassessing someone who has an incurable illness/disease?
Everyone who has ever applied for DLA knows only too well the forms require you to provide vast amounts of evidence to back up your claims of disability and illnesses etc and also for you to provide names of people the DWP can contact to verify what you have said in your form, those people can and do include your GP/Hospital Consultant/CPN and many more professional people, Duncan smith has himself a disability, one which is obviously incurable and that is he cannot stop lying through his shiny capped teeth?
The system of welfare reforms that we are now seeing being introduced are nothing more than an ideological belief system by the buller boys that poverty is the fault of the individual and not circumstance, If your poor or frail then it’s your fault, the survival of the fittest is the name of the game as far Nasty party are concerned.
As far as the terminology used by all the political parties such as “Scrounger” are concerned, the biggest scroungers don’t forget are the politicians themselves, don’t let us forget the huge amount of fraud that went unpunished over the “Expenses Scandal“, the vast majority of the politicians got away with murder and continue to defraud the public purse to this very day, look at the bankers who have stolen billions from the public, they’re still living the champagne charly lifestyle and where all still paying for it, no Mr.Iain Duncan Smith, it’s not us who are the scroungers but you and your bile filled friends who screw the taxpayer….