Some time ago, I asked readers to write to their MPs about the blatant lies told by the government, and in particular the DWP, about disabled benefit claimants. The responses of Tory MPs have been remarkable for the pure nonsense they contain - and many were almost identical.
I posted last night a guest article detailing a remarkable series of emails between John LeBrocq and his MP Andrew Murrell, but my thanks go to everyone who took the time and trouble to write to their MP about the disgraceful behaviour of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain (Duncan) Smith and his colleagues.
I posted last night a guest article detailing a remarkable series of emails between John LeBrocq and his MP Andrew Murrell, but my thanks go to everyone who took the time and trouble to write to their MP about the disgraceful behaviour of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain (Duncan) Smith and his colleagues.
Here's a good reason to vote ALL Conservative MPs out of their seats - they have all, tamely, followed the Party line on lying to Parliament and to the country. In fact, most of them, when challenged, merely copied out a rote letter provided by their Party superiors in the hope that this would be enough (it isn't. A lie is a lie). Take a look. If you have a Tory MP and haven't contacted them about this, try it. But warn them in advance that you know about the rote letter!