Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Britain behind chemical attacks in Syria?

Gordon Duff Interview with PressTV: Is America about to attack Syria on fabricated evidence?

Who killed these innocent children and scores of others with a deadly nerve gas in Syria? Was it Bassar al-Assad, as the West claims? Or is Assad being framed for an attack that was actually carried out by his Western accusers?

Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, about the crisis underway in Syria. This helps to cast new light on the situation.

To see the 4-minute interview with Gordon Duff on PressTV, in which he alleges that the UN Syria team may be about to fabricate evidence to justify an attack on Syria, click HERE.

Readers may prefer to read an approximate transcript of the interview first and then come back to the video later.

An important note will be found at the end. This comes from a valued source who reveals that a hacker has obtained definite evidence that Britain could be behind the chemical weapons attack on the Syrian people. This appears to be part of an elaborate scheme cooked up by the US, Britain and Israel to start yet another war in the Middle East on a false pretext. First they aim to destroy Syria. Then they plan to destroy Iran and take possession of its oil wells.

The trillion dollar question is: will Russia and China stand by and let them get away with this monstrous war crime — a crime which not only threatens their own vital interests but is, in fact, no more than a proxy war against them?
