Simon Stevens describes himself as a “Disability Consultant & Activist”, I have read many articles he has written and I’m afraid to tell you that in my opinion his latest article published on the “Disability News Service” is very disturbing?
In one part of his article he states
“Atos is an organisation I can work with and should work with, but there are some organisations I would find it very difficult to work with, like the BNP. But I would even consider working for them, depending on what exactly they wanted and whether it was the right price. If it was a ridiculous amount of money I would then have the resources to help others. It is all about helping to make things better for disabled people”
He admits that working for Atos could be deemed controversial but the most disturbing thing he said was that if the price was right he may even work for such organisations as the BNP, I’m sorry but any individual who say’s he would work for the BNP is an idiot and one to which I would not want to be associated with as an Activist for disabled rights?
I do not see the point in working with Atos, the organisation has been proved time and time again as an untrustworthy and corrupt company, there is now so much evidence to prove this companies corrupt practices and the dire effects on disabled people that I would think any rationalle person would want to distance themselves from such a devious and dangerous conglomerate?
Anyone choosing to work alongside Atos especially if they are disabled has ulterior personal reasons to do so, for the reasons cannot be for the improvement of disabled citizens lives in the UK?
Simon Stevens is someone to be suspicious of, his motives need to be called into question?