….I am being made to attend another ATOS assessment at the Ayr Office on the 19th although a quiet/less busy appoint was asked for by their own staff member a letter stating that I was be there at to 1.25pm (their busiest time) arrived at my door.
(comment) Atos didnt question me about my rape that triggered off my mental health, but at an appeal last october, the tribunal panel and the dwp representative asked awful questions, made me cry and then laughed at me. I do sympathise with you, but you are better than them, hold your head high xx
(comment) disgusting! it upset my hubby when ATOS staff asked him why we didn’t abort our 2 year old son (he was told he could not father a child but we concieved after 5 yrs and 2 misscarriages) knowing he wouldn’t be able to fullfill his fatherly duties due to his dis abilities but this ^^^ is SICK! Chin up sweetie you’ve been through so much you can fight these sickos, go bk to France ATOSSERS!!!
(comment) They did a similar thing to a survivor of the Rwandan holocaust, she’s in a wheelchair and has machete scars all over her body, can barely speak English. They gave her zero points.
(comment) Unfortunatley your just a customer to atos. A number in a file of many.
No compassion, no fairness from them, just another day in the office.
Id really like to have a rant in disgust about your case but it really wouldnt help you.
This may though.
Your situation is based on a criminal attack. Everything there-after is a direct result.
You are not just fighting Atos, youre fighting for your right as a victim.
Contact you MP, explain as you have here and ask for the appropriate legal help which is there for you.
Also contact your regional rape crises centre, the police will tell you your nearest. The guys there will help all they can, not just with your case againts Atos, but with your mental state of mind too. There is no question whats happening with your case that the actions of Atos are illegal as they are trying you for a crime where you are the victim.
You have survived a great deal and although these idiots are pushing the very limits YOU REMAIN A SURVIVOR x
Let the legal system fight this battle for you, you have fought enough x