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The Independent |
Well, well, I see that the sick cunt Derek Laud has crawled out of the sewer and written a piece for The Independent newspaper.
I have made my feelings known to the MSM propaganda rag in an email – the contents of which can be found below.
I suggest that you do the same. There are various ways that you can do that, all of which can be found HERE
Personally, I sent my email to managingeditor@independent.co.uk
As for the child raping, warped, scum-bag himself!
Well, I know for a fact that ‘it’ used to keep his perverse beady eye’s on what I write and as such, I will assume that ‘it’ still does.
Therefore, just so as the evil, sick, twisted cunt knows: I will haunt you till the day you or I die, you obnoxious piece of dog shit… On that, you have my fucking word.
Copy of my Email:
For the attention of Lisa Markwell/James Hanning
Re: Derek Laud’s analysis on David Cameron and the Tory Party published in your newspaper 5/8/13
I find it almost impossible to believe that as Editors/Journalists, you are not fully aware of the type of man – I use the term loosely – that Derek Laud is.
In late November, early December 2012, I wrote a series of articles about Lauds activities – which to begin with, he tried to dismiss as being ; “crap that no one believes”.
Unfortunately, Lauds analysis of my articles was wrong and many, many thousands of people did believe the “crap” leading to David Cameron – amongst many other prominent politicians – promptly removing any trace of association with him (notably on Lauds Wikipedia page).
In turn, Laud – whether off his own bat or on advice from others – sought refuge in South Africa.
I feel certain that you must be aware that Laud is a dangerous predatory paedophile, closely associated with the equally foul, predatory paedophile, Ian Greer and the pairs involvement in the North Wales care home abuse.
You can find an in-depth review into the vile creatures depravity here:
Furthermore, whilst it is now quite obvious why the British Prime Minister has severed ties with Laud, the obvious question should be; why did it take a public exposé of Lauds depraved, perverted and abhorrent penchant for child sex to do so.
Not withstanding the fact that Laud’s deviant sexual activities were first evidenced in 1999 by the now defunct Scallywag magazine, the fact that he was heavily implicated along with Greer and Neil Hamilton in the 1994 cash for questions scandal should have left the likes of Cameron, Thatcher, and the three Michaels; Colvin, Portillo & Heseltine – to name but a few – severing ties with him back then.
Laud, who later provided the Hamilton’s with an alibi after they were arrested on sexual assault charges, remains in regular contact with the couple to date.
The fact that Cameron did not distance himself back then, and indeed invited Laud to his wedding two years on from the Cash for Questions scandal speaks volumes about our Prime Ministers integrity.
Then again, Cameron had long before demonstrated his lacking in that department after accepting a freebie holiday to the then apartheid state of South Africa. If memory serves, this junket – paid for by Laud – took place in 1989.
Whilst I am not personally a reader of your paper, I should point out that a number of your disgusted customers sent me the link to the afore mentioned article.
I totally agree with their sentiment and like them, find it both abhorrent and amazing that you chose to give this sick monster print time to air his views when as a national newspaper, you should be exposing him – along with his long association with Cameron & Co – for the depraved, dangerous, serial child rapist that he is.
The fact that you have not however, does not surprise me and indeed speaks volumes about your integrity as journalists and quest for seeking the truth… Yourselves and your newspaper are indeed beyond contempt.
Christopher Spivey.
David Cameron’s Tories are still the ‘nasty party’, says ex-aide Derek Laud

David Cameron’s Conservative Party has failed to throw off the label of being the “nasty party”, has shown itself to be “racist” and will do or say anything to bolster its poll ratings, according to a leading black Tory adviser and former Thatcher speechwriter, Derek Laud.