Tory-Led Government U-Turns
from Think Left:
David Cameron’s U-turns include broken election promises and policy
reversals in government, here is a list:
U-turned Andy Coulson - finally got rid of
Andy Coulson after he became embroiled in phone hacking
U-turned on Spending cuts - said there would be
no drastic spending cuts – before embarking on an unprecedented round of
austerity cuts. David Cameron said spending cuts during the early part of a
Conservative government wouldn’t be ‘particularly
U-turned on Pensioners Winter Fuel Allowance -
saying he would not cut pensioners winter fuel allowance – then
U-turned on the NHS…”There will be no top
down reorganisation of the NHS……David Cameron
U-turned on not raising VAT ”We have
absolutely no plans to raise VAT. Our first Budget is all about recognising we
need to get spending under control rather than putting up
U-turned Fuel tax Stabiliser - its commitment
to consult on a ‘fair fuel tax stabiliser
U-Turned Knife Crime - said in opposition that
anyone caught carrying a knife could expect a jail term – now
U-turned on Child benefit Cuts………”I’m not going
to flannel you, I’m going to give it to you straight. I like the child benefit,
I wouldn’t change child benefit, I wouldn’t means-test it, I don’t think that is
a good idea.”……..David Cameron
U-Turned – DLA - abolishing it for
U-turned on saying no cuts to frontline
services……”What I can tell you is, any cabinet minister, if I win the election,
who comes to me and says: “Here are my plans” and they involve front-line
reductions, they’ll be sent straight back to their department to go away and
think again.”…….David Cameron
U-turned EMA - said they would not scrap
Educational Maintenance Allowance – then did.
U-turned Tuition Fees - Clegg pledged not raise
tuition fees then voted to treble them.
U-turned on Future jobs Fund - Before the
General Election, David Cameron praised the Future Jobs Fund as a “good scheme”
and the Conservatives said they had “no plans to change existing Future Jobs
Fund commitments”.
U-turned on Lisbon treaty referendum -
“cast-iron guarantee” to hold a referendum on the Lisbon
U-turned defence scrapping Nimrods and
sacking troops by email etc.
U-turned on pledge to help disabled
children and their parents.
U-Turned on improving the systmen for disabled,
sick or elderly Backing out on improving the system for those caring for sick or
disabled or elderly loved ones
U-turned on Education - Gove forced into so
many u -turns found it impossible to get right
U-turned on National Insurance contributions -
“We’ll scrap the Gordon Brown’s jobs tax” – did for employers
but employees contributions have risen 1%
U-turned Recall MPs - scrapped pledge for
public to be allowed to recall under-performing MP
U-turned on Forests -Forced to do a u-turn on
selling off ancient woodlands (but this is till happening by
U-turned on School Sports programme - Forced
to u-turn on cutting funding for school sports after public outcry and outcry
from sporting heroes
U-turned on Bookstart- Forced to do a u-turn
on cutting funding for “Bookstart” after public
U-turned on idea to pack the 1922
Committee with ministers after a Tory backbench
U-turned and got rid of his personal
photographer after putting him on the public payroll after public
U-turned on granting anonymity to rape
suspects, were swiftly ditched in the face of a public
U-turned on wearing lounge suit to royal
wedding -and wore a morning suit to the royal wedding, after much barracking
from the public and William Hague saying he would look an idiot in an ordinary
U-turned Housing benefit - forced to drop
plans to impose a 10 per cent cut in housing benefit on the long-term unemployed
after public outcry.
U-turned on Free Milk. The health minister Anne
Milton suggested scrapping free school milk for the under-fives to save money,
but Downing Street retreated after Cameron was compared with Margaret Thatcher.
The policy confusion led to the absurd scene of David Willetts defending the
plan on The Andrew Marr Show while No 10 was in the act of briefing that it had
been dropped.
U-turned on NHS Direct - to replace NHS Direct
with a cut-price “health advice service” prompted a wave of #savenhsdirect
tweets and another John Prescott campaign. The Health Secretary soon backed down
and promised that only the number would change HOWEVER this is sleight of hand
as they are still radically changing NHS Direct.
U-Turned on privatising Blood Transfusion
Service - Forced to cancel plans to privatise the Blood Transfusion service
after public outcry. Sections of the service which could be run by private
firms include testing, processing and transport of blood and are part of a wider
strategy to outsource more NHS services.
However, the proposals have faced objections on
the grounds that people who donate blood do so for free, so private companies
should not profit from this goodwill. 25,000 signatures from members of the
public have already been amassed in under a week, as part of a union-organised
petition protest against the plans.
One or two u-turns in a government is understandable, but this many in just
one year shows a shocking level of dithering and of poor judgement, ill thought
out policy, policy making on the hoof and an alarming level of incompetent
cabinet ministers, right up to and including the prime minister.
Perhaps the Tories Should Be Awarded A
“U-Turner prize”?