Reblogged from Vox Political:
Those of us who are lucky enough not to live in London have yet to see the
amazing advertising vans that have been conveying instructions to
Conservative-leaning voters, to treat with hatred, suspicion and contempt
anybody who is not a white, Anglo-Saxon protestant.
It seems clear that these vehicles are intended to promote racism and
heighten racial tension, setting British citizens against each other –
because the aim is to encourage the suspicion that another
person may be an illegal immigrant – in the same way Coalition
policy on social security set citizens against each other by pretending it was
commonplace for individuals to receive more in benefits than in paid
According to the Public Order Act 1986, it is an offence for a person to
publish threatening, abusive or insulting material if this is intended to stir
up hatred against any group in the UK, defined by reference to colour, race,
nationality, citizenship or ethnic or national origins, or if it is likely to
stir up hatred with regard to all the circumstances.
The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994 added an offence of
intentional harassment – that it is an offence to use threatening, abusive or
insulting behaviour, intending to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress.
There is a defence that the conduct of the accused was reasonable. This Act was
introduced by Michael Howard, who spoke in favour of the advertising vans on the
BBC’s Any Questions on Friday.
The Unite union has
been seeking legal advice about whether the Home Office-sponsored vans –
running a week-long ‘pilot’ scheme that could be expanded to the entire country
– incited racial hatred, which implies that their message was intended for
domestic consumption, rather than for the benefit (sorry) of illegal aliens.
The message on the vans reads as follows: “In the UK illegally? GO HOME OR
FACE ARREST. Text HOME to [a number] for free advice and help with travel
A stamp in the top-right corner reads: “106 arrests last week in your
The Home Office Twitter account spent the week-long pilot period tweeting
messages about the number of illegal immigrants it wished to claim had been
detected or turned themselves in – and even transmitted photographs of suspects
in a move that is certain to undermine claims that it was not trying to
incite hatred.
And spot-checks have been taking place at railway stations, where people who
were notably not white were stopped, apparently at random, by immigration
officers wearing stab vests who demanded to see identification proving they were
in the UK legally. It seems they became unreasonably aggressive when asked what
right they had to behave like this without direct cause for suspicion.
Immigration minister Mark Harper has rejected claims that people were
targeted because of their race, confirming that the law demands that officers
need reason to believe an offence had been committed before stopping
He said the street operations “involved immigration officers talking to
people in the local area and, where there was a reason to do so, asking
questions in relation to immigration status”. Are we to take it, then, that his
underlings were inviting local people to act as informants, ‘dobbing in’ people
they suspected (or possibly, simply didn’t like and wanted to put into
Harper’s argument was severely undermined when he
admitted he could not reveal the different ethnicities of the people who were
stopped, and their numbers, because it is not recorded –
officials were told to take down only the names, dates of birth and
nationalities of people they stopped.
So they didn’t record information that is vital in determining whether they
have been breaking the law. Have we heard about that dodge before, Iain
Duncan Smith?
The Equality and Human Rights
Commission is investigating.
All of the above is the latest in the Coalition government’s continuing war
against immigrants – let’s drop the word ‘illegal’ from the issue. The national
debate is framed around people who come into this country – legally or not – and
either take employment here or claim benefits.
The facts appear to show that the hysteria surrounding this has been
blown completely out of proportion.
There is an argument to be made about enforcement of illegal immigration
laws, but it is about ‘people smuggling’, cheap labour and forced labour – not
about people coming here to take your job or claim benefits that they don’t
to Scriptonite Daily, “the UK has a lower immigrant population than
almost any ‘developed’ nation, these immigrants are mostly assessed via a Points
Based System, only seven per cent are asylum seekers, and only 33 per cent of
asylum claims are accepted.
“There is no open door.
“Finally, the immigrant population does not have access to a vast majority of
the benefits available to UK citizens, the benefits they do receive are nowhere
near the same value as those received by UK citizens and they are a third less
likely to claim benefits than UK citizens.”
Owen Jones, speaking on Any Questions, voiced the belief that “the
Conservatives, fearful of a threat from UKIP, are using taxpayers’ money to tap
into people’s fears and prejudices… What we’re seeing is government-funded vans
with ‘Go home’ emblazoned on them. That is a term long-associated with
knuckle-dragging racists.
“We’re seeing spot-checks and racial profiling of people at tube stations. We
have a woman on the news… she was born in Britain; she was told she was stopped
because she ‘didn’t sound British’. And we have the official Home Office
[Twitter] account being used to send gleeful tweets which show people being
thrown into vans with a hashtag, ‘#immigrationoffenders’.
“Is this the sort of country you want to live in, where the Conservatives use
taxpayers’ money to inflame people’s fears and prejudices in order to win
political advantage? Because I don’t think most people do want that to
Moreover, it seems the authorities have created a perfect opportunity to
start rounding up anybody deemed “undesirable” by the powers-that-be. Greece is
already rounding up people of unorthodox sexuality, drug addicts, prostitutes,
immigrants and the poor and transferring them to internment and labour
Will the UK follow suit? Only last week we learned that the Coalition
government was planning to expand its ‘residential Workfare for the disabled’,
rounding up people with disabilities and putting them into modern-day workhouses
where someone else would profit and they would receive benefits alone – because
that’s how Workfare works. Now this.
This blog was criticised a couple of days ago, by a commenter invoking
Godwin’s Law after an article comparing the new workhouses with Nazi
concentration camps.
Every day it becomes easier to make comparisons between the current UK
government and the Nazis, or other fascist-style institutions. How long
will people watch and accept it before they realise what is
And when will they decide to act?
When it’s too late, perhaps?
What’s your opinion?