Friday, August 9, 2013

Hackers: From Facebook to Universal Jobmatch?

Last night on Channel Four there was a programme,
How hackers are hijacking your Facebook ‘likes’.
Channel 4 News has uncovered evidence that this growth is fuelled in part by computer hacking, with cyber criminals breaking into websites and using viruses to stoke a massive black market in Facebook likes.
It’s hard not to think of this when reading the latest news about Universal JobMatch in the Independent,
Vacancies for lap dancers in a club that offers “topless to fully nude dances” have been advertised on a government website, despite the fact that such adverts were banned from appearing in job centres over three years ago.
The Coalition’s Universal Jobmatch website was last night advertising six jobs for dancers, table-top dancers, and entertainment dancers, in an American style lap-dancing club in Norwich. People claiming jobseeker’s allowance are required to use the one-year-old site to look for work or can risk losing their benefit.
The venue hiring is the Sugar & Spice American table dancing club, which describes itself on its website as offering its customers a “unique experience” that is “compared to the out-dated traditional gentlemen’s or strip club”.
On a recent post on this site ‘Universal Jobmatch‘ (Not his real name I suspect) commented on the employment appearing on the Government’s contracted out site.
Check out the list of most common employers on Universal Jobmatch right now …
CV Library (Job Warehouse Only) Database of agencies (most fake)
Agency Central Limited (Job Warehouse) Agency
Technojobs Job Warehouse Only Shady – genuine site, but over inflated jobs on there
Strike Jobs “” fake job board in the style of mobile app
CareerBuilder (Job Warehouse) CareerBuilder one of the dead job boards, now in the top 10 UJM employers but no where to be seen on directgov job search?! A job warehouse site, where mass jobs are imported without checks…. like strike jobs and most of the other job board sites, its just to build traffic to their websites whilst it fills up UJM for the government
Salian Group – a company with thousands of jobs, yet only 12 likes ( ) not much of a “group” company … the logo suggests its a Kleeneze affiliate … p.s. you can buy “likes” rather easily
Pieroth Ltd – a Wine company … with so many jobs? One job “Area Sales Representative” in EVERY town… its a sales commission self-employed position – more of an advert than anything else
Kleeneze – self-employed jobs … no real vacancies exist, as such
Monster (Job Warehouse) – Monster ….
One Recruitment Agency
Infocus Group – a directgov job search parasite legend… major scammer
Vision Focus Group – all self-employed sales jobs … not a real job
Staffworks (uk) Limited Agency
Vicomte Bernard De Romanet Ltd – A direct clone of the Pieroth Ltd jobs … same company? a competitor perhaps? We are a nation of alcoholics, but there is not that much demand for a sales agent in each town for each wine company… we have places called Tescos, Waitrose, Sainsburys etc. to buy booze from
EPCRS LTD – self employed jobs… catalogues!!! Betterware this time.
Tjgrecruitment – Agency
MechanicsRus Ltd – appears to be a legit recruitment business for the motor trade, but who knows
Aberdeenshire Council – council on an employment drive?!
Maid2Clean – cleaning agency (a bit obvious, you guess that right? lol)
Sporting Dreams – teaching agency
PK Prospekts – more self-employed sales jobs … cannot spell “prospects” correctly or perhaps an internal job
Harper Construction Recruitment – Agency
Hunkindistribution – sales agents for more catalogues!
UK Local Recruitment – worrying customer service and sales positions… job adverts have specific pages on their website to apply for all jobs except the traditional link with a job identifier ID. Seems a one web form to steal your data… would avoid like the plague
LogicMelon (Job Warehouse) – agency with mass import feature
Anglian Home Improvements – sales
The Best Connection – agency
XL Group – thousands of “Retail Sales Team” positions – more self-employed catalogue delivery and collection – assume like the others, the reason for this is to get a scan of your driving licence perhaps?
Private Eye Service Ltd – disappointment… is another catalogue collection self-employed positions
Jobsgopublic (Job Warehouse Only) – agency (with mass import) – many council jobs on their books… by the name it seems its a public sector agency… might just be re-advertising openly available public jobs as available on local government websites
Eteach Uk Limited – agency for teaching – niche – but also do motor trade and various other positions… very illogical, if they do indeed have real clients, many of which might not have real jobs going
Hays – Agency
Excuse my language, but Universal Jobmatch is fucking shit. The top 30 or so, consist of one public employer and potentially a few probably-safe agencies. The rest is littered with agencies, many of which are recession agencies, wine sales people, self-employed jobs galore and catalogue collection businesses.
Catalogues… Argos, you have to collect from a store. Next is delivered by home delivery(renamed yodel now?). Betterware, Kleeneze and AVON etc are delivered by own agents. What can these catalogue companies really be? Obviously a scam. Thousands are falling for this.
Recession or not, there aren’t that many jobs going. So how come so many agencies with thousands of jobs, yet employment levels not rocketing by half a million in the next quarter or so?! They are FAKE. Universal Jobmatch is full of scams, fake agencies and even job affiliate sites posting jobs found elsewhere to get traffic, that includes and the like.
A job.. A job is where you work for an employer for a wage or salary, through the books as PAYE. Self-employed is where you are your own boss, doing your own business as a sole trader. Why is 80% of the “jobs” on Universal Jobmatch, actually self-employed? The fact of the matter is, many jobseekers do not get the self-employed (record keeping, filing tax returns etc.) thing, otherwise they would set up their own business (indeed some do), they are relying on jobs… where the employer deals with paying their tax through a PAYE scheme.
As for self-employed positions that actually exist that should be a job… these will increase over the next 5+ years, as the government makes pensions contributions mandatory.
He suggested,
It has at least 10,000 agencies… only around 50 are even serious agencies, such as the large ones like Hays, Adecco etc
The rest are recession agencies (i.e. unemployment = money; do a business in recruitment) – most have little if any actual clients.
I think around a third of which are part-time second jobs, operated evenings and weekends – you know, they think the industry has the money but not brave enough to jack their job in to do it full time.
I get the sense many are just “testing the water”. The problem with this, it messes around, and obtain a lot of data from jobseekers.
We can see all too clearly this at work now.