One of my medical problems is that I suffer with depression, I don’t mean feeling a little upset but severe depression where I go into a complete black hole for days, I take my medication but lately all the sad stories that I keep getting sent to me are causing me real problems, today I’ve received another message from someone informing me they’ll be taking their own life, that they just cannot continue the long road of assessments and appeals that they’ve had to endure over the last few years, don’t get me wrong I’m not blaming other people for my depression but today is especially a bad day?
How have we become such an uncaring society that sick & disabled people actually fear the dawn of a new day, how has our society become so selfish and violently against individuals who need care and support?
I’m finding it difficult to understand why we allow Bankers and fraudulent companies like “Amazon” etc who do all they can to avoid paying tax yet our government are quite proud of themselves hounding a mother and full-time carer of a disabled child out of their Modified accommodation, things have seriously got out of hand?
My previous rantings as someone called them, about our country going back to the ideologies of “Eugenics“, to the Victorian way of thinking about the poor and the sick, being poor being the fault of the poor themselves, as our politicians follow the Americans in the way of welfare reform we are heading towards a very bleak future, if things don’t change very soon we will see “Civil Disobedience“, when they take away all form of hope from you and have nothing more to lose then civil disorder maybe the only thing left, one thing the bastards cannot take away from you is DIGNITY, it is the one thing that they don’t understand or comprehend for the politicians in the UK don’t know what dignity is because they have none?
To all those who have contacted me to say that suicide is the only option left, I beg you to STOP and think, killing yourself will only hurt your loved ones, your children, your friends, the only people who will celebrate are the evil bastards who are carrying out this evil policy of cleansing, IDS, McVey, Lord Freud, for they just want to stop you getting a little bit of the pie because like greedy people all over the world they want a bigger share for themselves, don’t give them the bloody satisfaction….